FTFC22: Build-ruary by Mayan (Build Skill: 5 Experienced , Pilot Skill: 4 Skilled)


Legendary member
Hey all a little late but here we go this is my entry.
  1. Mighty Mini Corsair
  2. Mighty Mini SE5 Biplane
  3. Super Bee
  4. Bronco
  5. Mighty Mini Tiny Trainer
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Legendary member
Hey folks here is a quick update as to where I am at on this contest. I haven’t even started ;(! My work days are long and busy; the weather is crap too, raining all day.
Also I still haven’t decided which one to tackle first. All of them but the Mighty Mini Sparrow are models I haven’t built before so am I excited to learn the building techniques used in them and their flying experience. I’ll probably tackle the Mighty Mini Corsair and Mighty Mini Sparrow first and build them simultaneously.
Keep you all posted over the weekend :).


Legendary member
Wait a second! What about the Spit? Waiting on parts?
Yeah I need some glue gorilla glue which I couldn’t find at the store next to my house. Also probably will be ordering a new motor, esc and proper something that can pull 5kg. I have a motor that can pull 2.1kg which should get it airborne but that won’t give me any speed which is something I wouldn’t want to give up.


Legendary member
Getting prepared.


Legendary member
Short update here. Yesterday night 4/5 models plans have been titled together and cut into separate parts ready to be taped to FB so I score and cut them.