Aviation Enthusiast
Well, I know where it is, but unfortunately, I can not reach it...
As you can see, the Storch is towards the top of the tree, how it got there? Well, I looked down at my Tx for one second and smash!!!! Went right into the tree...
I tried climbing the tree, but could only get this close...I was about 50 feet up there when climbing too.
I am about 20+ feet short of reaching it, so now my only hope is a wind storm or something that may knock it lower so I can reach it. I would like to salvage my Rx at least. My FAA number is in there along with my name, but no phone #...should have done time...
I figure about $140.00 worth of gear, along with my $20.00 keyfob camera.
At least I know where it is and it is not too far from home to go check on once and while. My $9.00 LiPo is probably going to be toast...
Why are there so many trees in Washington State????
I was in the process of replacing the original though, so no worries, I will fly again soon...
As you can see, the Storch is towards the top of the tree, how it got there? Well, I looked down at my Tx for one second and smash!!!! Went right into the tree...
I tried climbing the tree, but could only get this close...I was about 50 feet up there when climbing too.
I am about 20+ feet short of reaching it, so now my only hope is a wind storm or something that may knock it lower so I can reach it. I would like to salvage my Rx at least. My FAA number is in there along with my name, but no phone #...should have done time...
I figure about $140.00 worth of gear, along with my $20.00 keyfob camera.
At least I know where it is and it is not too far from home to go check on once and while. My $9.00 LiPo is probably going to be toast...
Why are there so many trees in Washington State????
I was in the process of replacing the original though, so no worries, I will fly again soon...
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