Help With Inav


Elite member
I putting a speedybee f405wing in my boomin flerken (I will also alter add fpv into it and wanted osd, etc). For now though, I jsut want the gyro stabilization but I cant get motors to arm. I attached a couple screenshots of my inav setup and can attach more, I am not using a gps yet, or any nav modes, nothing seems wrong yet the navigation is safe box still shows an x.
Screenshot 2024-06-27 100905.png


Techno Nut
Do you have a GPS? Does it have 3D lock? How many sattellites? Usualy a red X on navigation safe means problems with the GPS.....


Techno Nut

Just did a test of the remnants of my lawn darted Nano Goblin. When it switched from 6 to 7 satellites, the "Navigation is safe" changed from red to green.


Techno Nut
Make sure you have "GPS for Navigation and Telemetry" disabled on the configuration screen if you do not have one attached.

Make sure you do not have RTH selected for failsafe.


Elite member
Did you do the status I requested, it gives info on what has failed it's readiness test.
Here it is

# status
INAV/SPEEDYBEEF405WING 7.1.1 May 6 2024 / 12:49:15 (dd91a871)
GCC-10.3.1 20210824 (release)
System Uptime: 26 seconds
Current Time: 2041-06-28T01:04:00.000+00:00
Voltage: 16.27V (4S battery - OK)
CPU Clock=168MHz, GYRO=ICM42605, ACC=ICM42605, BARO=SPL06
STM32 system clocks:
SYSCLK = 168 MHz
HCLK = 168 MHz
PCLK1 = 42 MHz
PCLK2 = 84 MHz
SD card: Manufacturer 0x3, 1985024kB, 10/2007, v8.0, 'SU02G'
Filesystem: Ready
Stack size: 6144, Stack address: 0x10010000, Heap available: 1728
I2C Errors: 0, config size: 10467, max available config: 131072
ADC channel usage:
BATTERY : configured = ADC 1, used = ADC 1
RSSI : configured = ADC 4, used = none
CURRENT : configured = ADC 2, used = ADC 2
AIRSPEED : configured = ADC 3, used = none
System load: 6, cycle time: 1020, PID rate: 980, RX rate: 143, System rate: 9
Arming disabled flags: NAV CLI
OSD: MAX7456 [30 x 16]
VTX: not detected



Legendary member
It's stating that it cannot arm for two reasons. 1 is that you are in the CLI (that's obvious). The other is NAV which means one of the settings is expecting a GPS which you don't have.
Like Litterbug said earlier, Make sure you do not have RTH selected for failsafe. Set it to drop.
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Elite member
It's stating that it cannot arm for two reasons. 1 is that you are in the CLI (that's obvious). The other is NAV which means one of the settings is expecting a GPS which you don't have.
Like Litterbug said earlier, Make sure you do not have RTH selected for failsafe. Set it to drop.
I have it set to land, is htat an issue? not rth, just land


Elite member
I changed it to drop, it still says NAV CLI, my modes dont have anything that needs GPS in them, and I already sent a cli diff dump.


Techno Nut
Can we get a full screenshot of the INAV configurator? I do see a NAV ALTHOLD mode enabled, but if you don't have a working Baro or GPS that won't work.

Can we get a full screenshot of the Receiver tab too?

Also a new dump since you changed the failsafe mode?
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Elite member
Can we get a full screenshot of the INAV configurator? I do see a NAV ALTHOLD mode enabled, but if you don't have a working Baro or GPS that won't work.

Can we get a full screenshot of the Receiver tab too?

Also a new dump since you changed the failsafe mode?
For some reason nav althold was the issue but it wouldn't clear till I reflashed it. I tried again, and it worked just fine. The only thing I can't figure out is how to calibrate the motors as it takes a bit to arm after powering on. Also, the other thing I can't seem to figure out is how to make it compensate less, just from the original rates I had set when I flew the plane on manual, the plane would be overcompensating with the gyro. Is that pid? (Never used it before)


Techno Nut
You should use the INAV configurator to calibrate the motor(s). It would be done on the outputs tab.

Set your servo throws in manual mode through the INAV configurator too. You can set the Min/Center/Max for each channel. Min and max should be set to achieve the manufacturer recommended throws, and center will be where the control surface is neutral.

After the basic calibrations are done, you shoud be able to do in-flight autotune to have the PIDs generated for you. If the rates are too high in stabilized modes, you can always adjust them down manually.

If you need more assistance, @CarolineTyler and I both have plenty of experience and can walk you through the config.
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Elite member
You should use the INAV configurator to calibrate the motor(s). It would be done on the outputs tab.

Set your servo throws in manual mode through the INAV configurator too. You can set the Min/Center/Max for each channel. Min and max should be set to achieve the manufacturer recommended throws, and center will be where the control surface is neutral.

After the basic calibrations are done, you shoud be able to do in-flight autotune to have the PIDs generated for you. If the rates are too high in stabilized modes, you can always adjust them down manually.

If you need more assistance, @CarolineTyler and I both have plenty of experience and can walk you through the config.
thanks, is there a way to have the rates as I already have them tuned, on my tx, and disable hte automatic throw decrease in angle compared to manual or acro? I figured out how to calibrate the motors, and how do I do the autotune? I have autotrim on a swithc but how does autotune work?