how 5g8 fpv gear affects range of standard spectrum tx and rx


Junior Member
hi there.
so a few days back i was flying my F.P.V. plane and i was starting to wonder 'is my video transmitter affecting my range and if so, how much.'
i started by measuring the distance of a spectrum AR5210 in range mode and found i got a distance of 94 feet without any interference of trees in a park. This is 64 feet more than spectrum recommend. I then turned my 5.8g video transmitter on, only to find i only got 72 feet from the plane before it cut off. This means that i get approximately 200 feet or so when it is on full range without my video transmitter. i should say that the AR5210 is a 'full range' rx (whatever that means) but if you were to do F.P.V. I would try to use Futaba as you can get more variation.

hoped this helped with anything.
