Intermittent forum access issues.


Senior Member

This may not be the correct forum but I think its a good place to start.

I have had intermittent issues accessing the forums from time to time, typically a few weeks between issues but the result is a total inability to access the forums. I can see the home page etc, but the Forums link is inop.

Similarly, if I use a cached link to go direct to the forum, its inop.

I have seen this behaviour at home, work and client sites.

I have seen this on multiple devices too: laptop, iMac, IOs devices etc.

So, am I alone or is there an underling reliability issue with the FT forums?

Anyone know how they are hosted? I know Azure had major issues in the EMEA region today... is Azure involved?

(I suspect not as the NS are for Godaddy and the IP for the ft website home page is AWS but the forums seem to have a RackSpace IP)

Perhaps time to move everything to AWS!

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Church Meal Expert
Yeah - it was having issues this morning.
I think it was back around 9am.

Best regards,


Faster than a speeding face plant!
Forums were down all day yesterday. I think it's a plot. :rolleyes:

The store was working and the show was working so why not the forums?

I noticed the show announced new planes, put rockets on one and set it on fire! Now that makes for good TV! :)

They also put the new planes on sale as a pair on the store!

So instead of being a nuisance on the forums all day I was forced to watch the show (which kicked @$$) which led me to the store (which worked just fine) and then I spent money.

So that's their evil scheme.

Take down the forums and do the best episode of the year announcing a sale on the hottest planes I have seen them make yet so we will all buy something for Christmas????

Yeah, I bought 2.... :D

Great show too FliteTest!
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Senior Member
Yup, new batch of access issues the last couple of days...

Forums still on Rackspace...

Forum down time must be into 3 figures of hours this year.... Rackspace's outage total for the year (2014) was only 7 hours...

Come on FT, your forums are a revenue stream, they're a direct link to your customer base, they're worth spending a few $$$ on!



Build another!
I find the lack of forums far more annoying than I would have expected in the short amount it time I've been here. :confused:

Still, I know enough to understand that should the decision be taken today to make a move, it's a long and costly process. The service that provides the hosting is only one thing to worry about. Likely, the entire FT web presence is with the same provider, so moving one would entail moving all of them. Then consider the probably the fourun application itself is used only by that provider. A new application means the loss of everything or paying for data conversion. Even if the same software is found elsewhere, an easy move to a new service means ensuring all the archives, files, posts, links, attachments are moved also. Not a task to be taken lightly.

Best move at this point is to contacting the provider, see whats going on and give them plenty of opportunity to resolve the outages. May be as simple as restoring the backup to a new more reliable hardware. MAYBE it was down so that could happen (Dream on). With the store, articles, and forum moving is not an easy thing to do.

I still miss it when it's gone.

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