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Hello all, I am just starting out in drones, I have flown planes and Heli’s for around 14 years, and I have been away from the RC seen for a long time, I used to have a Hi-tech system with radio, and some planes and heli’s, stopped flying for a long time and now just purchased a great setup for drones and bought to indoor/outdoor tiny whoops to get into drones. I bought a Jumper T16 Pro Radio with CrossFire system, I got FatShark HDO with Fusion Module, I have a TinyHawk-S and a BetaFPV 85x. Now before I quit flying there was no open source and radios were limited, now it seems like multi protocol radios are sweeping the scene and the expensive ones no one is using as they simply do not do what these open source ones do. I am really in a bind and really need help understand the Jumper and the BestFlight for the drones. If anyone can help get me straight, we can Skype and chat if you have the time, I do not prefer posting it takes to long and to be honest I have too many questions, so only guys with time and skype would be really helpful. I appreciate anyone with experience to help me out as I have very little with this open source and have been out of the scene for a good while. If you got a good attitude and time please feel free to help.