Left handed TX modification


New member
Anyone have experience modifying a spektrum transmitter to be aileron elevator on the left stick and rudder throttle on the right?

I will likely acquire an inexpensive used DX6 or similar since I would only need a left handed buddy box for the occasions when I have a student, usually due to a stroke, who flies left handed.
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Anyone have experience modifying a spektrum transmitter to be aileron elevator on the left stick and rudder throttle on the right?...
This is changing the Tx from mode 2 to mode 1, it's a menu choice. In addition, there is a spring that needs to be moved from the left gimbal to the right. You'll need to remove the back. I have heard mode 1 is what is used in Europe.

I have not done this with a spectrum but I think in this regard, all Tx's are the same .


New member
Hi Merv. Mode 1 uses aileron throttle on the left stick. I need to have aileron elevator on the left. I will probably modify a radio myself. Posted my question looking for tips


Master member
Might also have to deal with the holding ratchet on the current motor side. That should be removable and fit the other side. Back in the day, you just swapped the whole stick assembly


Hi Merv. Mode 1 uses aileron throttle on the left stick...
No, mode 1 switches both aileron & elevator to the left stick. It does what you want.

Modes 3 & 4 mix it up, that is swap aileron & rudder or throttle & elevator.


Master member
Annndd: if mode 1 does just move the ailerons, switch motor and elevator plug ins on the reciever.

Yup some of the cheapo stuff just switched ailerons

Come to think of it: dont need mode 1 at all. Just swap channels on the reciever. Still need to alter the stick springs /ratchet in the transmitter but thats a 2minute change.
Still think it easier to swap stick positions, unless the wires are super short. All my stuff is older than you so......
Mod 3 & 4? Hunh, new one on me.

Thomas B

No, mode 1 switches both aileron & elevator to the left stick. It does what you want.

Modes 3 & 4 mix it up, that is swap aileron & rudder or throttle & elevator.
Aileron and elevator on the left stick is NOT mode 1.

Mode 1 has rudder and elevator on the left stick and aileron and throttle on the right stick.

This link correctly explains all four Tx stick modes:



FPVFC President and CEO
Anyone have experience modifying a spektrum transmitter to be aileron elevator on the left stick and rudder throttle on the right?

I will likely acquire an inexpensive used DX6 or similar since I would only need a left handed buddy box for the occasions when I have a student, usually due to a stroke, who flies left handed.
Below are some great recommendations. Please consider taping a label to the transmitter saying, "Mode 1". As you probably know, virtually everyone in the USA and most everyone in Europe flies Mode 2. If a friend picks up this transmitter and attempts to fly, it will not go well.


Master member
Not to be disrespectful, but if you pick up strange to you equipment and don't preflight looking for oopsies, then I believe you deserve your results.

Ditto for test glides.


FPVFC President and CEO
Not to be disrespectful, but if you pick up strange to you equipment and don't preflight looking for oopsies, then I believe you deserve your results.

Ditto for test glides.
I think we are saying the same thing. While I'm a grumpy old guy, I tried to spin the message with a little positive sentiment.