Mighty Mini VariViggen


Master member
Plans update! I've incorporated the changes I made while building, including making the battery hatch slide into the fuselage more smoothly and adding reference marks for where the servos and formers go.
Screen Shot 2022-06-01 at 6.27.37 PM.png

This is getting out of hand! Now there are two of them!

View attachment 226447
I didn't need to add any more weight to make it balance on the right CG, but thanks to the motor and servos it's pretty easy to make it tail-heavy, especially with only a 2 cell battery. (Builders beware! :)) It weighs in at only 200 grams though, so hopefully it'll fly well.


Master member
Thanks! I'm hoping to do a V2 of this plane soon. I haven't come back to it since a crash on the maiden folded the wing, but I have some ideas for how to strengthen everything and make it more controllable and fun to fly


Master member
How’s it comin?
I got busy reorganizing my workspace in recent weeks, but I’ve kept collecting ideas for V2. It might have a maiden over the winter, we’ll have to see.

Even though this is so tiny, I think I’ll give fixed tricycle gear a shot if the wing seems strong enough, because it would look so cool sitting on its own wheels! :D