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Mighty Mini Sea Duck 1.2

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Well-known member
@Horseman3381 Is the wing spar an A or B fold in this build? And to confirm, when you say "This should be mounted with the U spar in the upright orientation." this means with the wing down on the table, it is glued with the U upright?
Sorry for the delayed response, I kept getting an error message when I tried to log into the forums the past few days.

@AIRFORGE is correct. It is a B fold, and with the wing down on the table the U should be upright.


New member
I finished my Duckling today (that's what I'm calling it now lol), except the cowlings and pontoons. It was a little tricky for me to get all the electronics to wire and sit correctly, I had to switch up the steps a little bit.

For example, I wired everything into the wing, then I made a bit of a "hinge" on the bottom of the fuselage cabin in order to put it on after the servos were installed in the wing. This worked well.

I also sat the battery tray down as low and far forward as I could. Can't wait to put the finishing touches on and get her airborne!


Well-known member
I finished my Duckling today (that's what I'm calling it now lol), except the cowlings and pontoons. It was a little tricky for me to get all the electronics to wire and sit correctly, I had to switch up the steps a little bit.

For example, I wired everything into the wing, then I made a bit of a "hinge" on the bottom of the fuselage cabin in order to put it on after the servos were installed in the wing. This worked well.

I also sat the battery tray down as low and far forward as I could. Can't wait to put the finishing touches on and get her airborne!
The Seaduckling is what I have been calling it at my Field, so Duckling is very appropriate.

For accessing the electronics, I designed the rear hatch to be hinged. It is the last build note:
  • On the fuselage rear bulkhead, there is a partial depth cut line ¾” from the bottom. When installing this, do not glue above that line as with the small top hatch, it is tough to access/mount the receiver in this plane, so I left this as an access hatch for that purpose. It stays closed with friction.
I'd be interested to see a photo of what you did and if it maybe works better.

Let us know how the first flight goes.
The PDF's are 22"x34", but the layout on the paper is for 20"x30" foamboard sheets.

Also, it is 3 sheets of foamboard.

If you find any issues with the plans while building let me know. I am spoiled and have access to a plotter, so have never dealt with tiled plans. If you find something I can tweak to help accommodate tiling them let me know.
Could you possibly Tile the plans? I have a really slow computer with no space for Adobe Acrobat reader. Also how do you make it so there is a dotted line on the sides instead of it being just blank.


Site Moderator
Winds this morning are 10 mph gusting to 15 and spitting rain - a perfect morning for the mini Sea Duck! I normally run a 1300 3s battery but had an 850 3s charged so used that. It floated but had enough power to fly into the wind and still aerobatic. Was able to fly stationary right in front of me and lower it to the ground by reducing throttle. Great plane!