Update: An updated powerplant was used to eventually get this frame into the air. Please see the following post for details - http://forum.flitetest.com/showthre...t-Bone-Build-Log&p=82338&viewfull=1#post82338.
Update 4: 4000mAh 4S Turnigy batteries,
Accucel 6 charger,
Power Supply,
LiPo bag, and
HXT 4mm to XT60 adapters arrive from Hobby King's US Warehouse! Plus the Bat Bone Tricopter runs ... Technically.
Ordered: Thursday, July 11th, 2013
Arrived: Monday, July 15th, 2013
Order Total (with shipping): $142.09
A few hours of soldering and moving stuff about on the Bat Bone body later, I had everything together and the components more or less where they would be for the ride into the sky. So much time spent soldering, I cannot stress this enough. Motor leads, motor leads side of the ESCs, battery side of the ESCs, power harness to connect the ESCs to the battery, and adapters for batteries; so much soldering. I will be coughing lead/tin/flux fumes for a week.
I fell short on taking pictures of a lot of stuff during the final parts of the build; for two reasons. I was simply too excited to get it running and up in the air was most of it, but also because I was not certain of where things would end up staying on the frame. I will document these things later on, after I get a new motor and turn the rig into a V-tail quad; more on that at the end of this post.
Let's get to some picture for now:
Soldering the 3.5mm three pin connectors to the motor side of the ESCs. The plastic piece slides over the connectors, the "gold" terminals are soldered to the wires, and then the red plastic cover is pulled back over the connectors until they're flush with the front of the openings. Solder is introduced into the connector through a small hole on the back half (not pictured); the hole seen in the picture is the vent hole for when the connectors are slid together.
Moving on to the other end of the ESC, it gets the male end of the XT60 connector. It is a little cumbersome to get the iron on the terminal, the wire, and have enough room to get solder up into the cup; but it works out with some patience and burning the occasional corner of the plastic holder.
Just when you'd been through 24 solder joints between the motors and ESCs, there is still more soldering to do for the battery harness. The harness gets female ends of the XT60 connector, which has very shallow cups, until the last link in the harness which is a male to mate with the battery's female connectors. The shallow cups on the female ends makes it a bit easier to solder, but also has a greater risk of weak joins. Take your time, get a good amount of solder in there, and do not forget your heat shrink. Speaking of heat shrink 5mm tubes are a touch too big to fit into the cups in the plastic shield of the XT60 connects, but they're also -just- big enough to slip over doubled over 16awg wire. 4mm could be stretched to fit over the wire, but it might negate fitting into the cups if you did that. Four of five millimeter heat shrink, the choice is yours.
Finally everything is connected and I am ready to power up the whole rig for the first time. Started to tinker with the KK2 settings by setting motor layout, setting sub trims, setting the auto balance to the auxiliary channel, and calibrating the ESCs.
It was about time to make this baby fly, but took baby steps. First order of business was to get is a low hover. I found however that despite calibrating the sensors in the KK2, the rear motor was spinning noticeably faster than the front two motors which would cause it to want to flip over on its "face." This was alleviated some by checking the right orientation of the props, and sure enough they were backwards. Then I started checking on control input response and found I had the front two motors on the wrong output channels, so I switched them.
At this point I was able to get the rig up into the air mostly level with a quick jab of the throttle and lower it back down. However it was instantly spinning like a top in the air. Upon further investigation, I observed that the tilt for the rear motor was never getting back to level once a left or right direction was given. I found some slop in the pull/pull mechanism, and even trying to preload the tension on both sides it still had the same result. So to remove some variables from the system, I took inspiration from FliteTest's original Tricopter videos by mounting the servo directly to the pivot.
Screwed a servo arm into the two holes the control rods would of Z'd into, cut the mounting tab off the servo, put s spacer under the servo, zip tied the the servo to the arm, reversed the output in the KK2's mixer for the servo channel, and it was off to try again. But yet again, there was too much slop in the mechanics. What I have found is that the plate with the holes drilled into it for the control rods (or servo arm screws) has slop in the roll axis and the G10 plate the motor mounts too. Additionally, with that much weight sitting so far off the back of the pivot itself, it causes flex vertically. Tiny amounts of flex in the mount translates to about an inch of deflection at the ends of the 10" propeller. For as cool looking as this rotor bones tilt mount is, it just isn't up to snuff for my setup (or possibly any setup). I figured I would end up making this rig a v-tailed quad at one point or another, but dealing with the slop in the tilt mount just isn't worth the fuss and I figure I would move on.
Two last things I want to put out there for now: The additional thickness added by the velcro under the foam of the flight controller causes the corners of the PCB to -just- fit through the opening in the top of the Bat Bone body. It is pretty firm actually and negates any vibration dampening. I will be removing the lower wider layer of foam to reduce the height of the flight controller in the body and keep it under the top shell. This could have added to some of the erratic flight tendencies I was struggling with initially.
Lastly I was able to update the firmware on the KK2 to v1.6 today. I had found posts mentioning the original v1.2 firmware didn't handle a tricopter setup very well. I had been meaning to order a AVR programmer from Hobby King, but they have been out of stock for a very long time. I saw mentioned in the comments of the programmer's item page to an outfit that produces programmers originally marketed towards flashing the Turnigy 9X transmitters, and order it this morning. But me being me, impatient, I figured there must be a way to use my Arduino to flash the KK2 and found the solution with a little digging.
This is the guide I used to help flash with an Arduino and it was pretty straight forward; download the kkMulticopter software package to use the AVRDude utility via command line, upload a native sketch to the Arduino to be a AVR flash tool, make four connections from the Arduino to the KK2's programming header, connect the Arduino ground to the motor 1 ground, and run the command line code found link the prior link.