Spitfire76's Build Log of Eclipson's Spitfire


Well-known member
Eclipson recently released (July 27, 2024) their 3dprinted Spitfire.

This is my build log.

Eclipson recommends using a Creality Ender 3 or a Bambu Lab's A1 and have printer settings for both. I have both an Ender3 and a Bambu Lab P1P but the settings should be the same for the P1P as the A1.

Eclipson recommends ColorFabb's LW-PLA but I prefer 3dlabprint's PolyLight 1.0 LW-PLA although as 3dlabprint is located in the Czech Republic I purchased it from their US distributor to save on shipping costs.
I chose the Light Gray to save on painting.


Well-known member

Bill of materialsRecommendedWhat I used
MotorSunnysky X2212 kv1250
ESCSkywalker 30A
Servos x 6MG90Emax
Battery2200mAh 3sGens Ace 2200 3s
GyroNoneFT Aura 5 Lite
Wire for control rodsK&S Metals 0.047" (1.19mm) No.502
Wire for LGK&S Metals 0.062" (3.18mm) No 504
CF Tubing 8mmWindcatcherrc.com
CF Tubing 6mmWindcatcherrc.com
Bolts, nuts & washers
Bolts, nuts & washers
Linkage stoppers
Wheel collars (tail)?Dubro 1/16" No. 595
Wheel collars (main)Dubro 1/8" No. 597
CA Glue & Accel.
Rubber band
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Well-known member
Part/fileTime to print (Ender 3)Weight (g) LW_PLA
Fus13h 28m27
Fus24h 27m33
Fus32h 38m20
Fus41h 47m12
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Well-known member
I have resumed this project and so far have built the wing. Like several 3dprinted planes that I have built there are some small gaps between sections of the wing so have ordered some of this to see if it works for 3dprinted models.


Mr Man

Elite member
I have resumed this project and so far have built the wing. Like several 3dprinted planes that I have built there are some small gaps between sections of the wing so have ordered some of this to see if it works for 3dprinted models.

Interested to see how this works.


Make It Fly!
I have resumed this project and so far have built the wing. Like several 3dprinted planes that I have built there are some small gaps between sections of the wing so have ordered some of this to see if it works for 3dprinted models.

I've never tried it on a 3D print, but it works great on wood and foam.


Well-known member
Glued Fus1 to 3 but I am out of 1.2mm (0.047") wire to guide Fus4 to Fus3. I did though workout the lengths needed
2 x 290mm (top)
1 x 270mm (bottom)
I will pick up some K&S #502 wire today from Ace Hardware.


Well-known member
Noticed that FT did build and fly this plane a few months ago. I've noted the issue that they found with the retracts - the throws need to be at 76%

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Well-known member
I had to cut the circled area here on Fuse4 to make the rudder fit. Not sure of its purpose but trying to find out.



Well-known member
I was at our club field last Wednesday when a full scale Spitfire flew over and gave us RC modelers an airshow display. I've see a few at airshows and museums when I was in England but its not a plane you see very often here in California.

The video does not do it justice but the audio does so turn up the sound.

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Well-known member
that's pretty cool, i have never seen one in person
The owner/pilot is obviously aware of our AMA club so I am going to see if anyone knows him as he maybe willing to have a small group visit its hangar. I would be interested in its history and restoration story.

While not directly related I found this interesting series of videos on restoring Spitfires in England. Not only do they restore Spitfires they have a few with 2 seats and offer rides to the public.

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Well-known member
Building of the Eclipson Spitfire is going well but having some issues with the retractable landing gear. Its a really cleverly designed mechanism using just regular servos. They recommend 3mm wire but the nearest I have is 1/8 so just slightly larger but should fit. The issue is bending the wire and getting the angle of the 2 bends correct. I am using one of these jigs so I need to re-watch this video.

I also have a Dremel to cut the wire. Both tools are essential in working with 1/8 wire.
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Well-known member
There is a bush.stl file that goes between the landing gear wire and the wheel but since I am using 1/8 wire it does not fit well. Here is a new version that I designed in Autodesk Fusion that fits much better.


  • SpitfireBushMod.stl
    80.7 KB · Views: 0