New Build With New Builder


Junior Member
Morning guys, last night I was fortunate to have her take off, I was getting the hang of it. Then it starts motor one makes like a popping sound the everything stops, kk2 goes white disarms, i unplug the battery, plug it back in and sometimes I'm lucky to get words on the screen and arm when I throttle up it just stops and goes blank and most of time it just goes blank. I'm on steveis 19vs I'm so lost right now
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Dedicated foam bender
White is your signal wire and all the ESC's need that one plugged in to it's corresponding port


Junior Member
There's a pic


Dedicated foam bender
Oh I forgot to tell you on my kk2.1.5 m1 doesn't read the motor so m1 only has red and black and white is in m5 no matter what motor or esc m1 will not spool up. Would you guys know any reason why?

White is your signal wire and all the ESC's need that one plugged in to it's corresponding port

Yeah they are all correct i tripled and quadrippled checked all light colors are all facing inwards
What I was getting at here is that motor 1 needs to have it's white (or yellow if JR colors) lead on M1. M1 is the only port that will control motor 1 correctly. You can't plug it into M5 and make it work correctly. If the board is not sending out a signal on M1, then the board needs to be replaced...


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
Which position is your servo plugged in? from the picture the orange wire is going to M3 . . . the servo should be on M4


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
wiring is easy -- soldering is a pain in comparison . . . literally.

Just don't force me to have clean wire runs . . . that tends to end badly . . .


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
Oh no that's not it's definitely m4, have you guys seen this before?

Ok, looks mis-wired to me, but I'll take your word for it.

The thing that keyed me in to "wrong port" was the servo responded to the throttle, tracking the throttle level . . . I suspect if you pitched the airframe with the throttle at 1/2, you'd see the servo jitter . . . the signal is *acting* like a signal sent to an ESC.

One of two things will cause this:

- you've wired it to the wrong port (you've confirmed it isn't, so that's not it)
- the port isn't acting like a tricopter tail servo.

Check your motor layout -- Are you *SURE* you've set it to Tri? Did you change it after the reflash (that setting doesn't always survive).

If the layout is set to "TRI", open up the mixing table and go to the M4 entry. Is it set as an ESC or servo?


Junior Member
I now know why you think the servo is wired wrong in m3 the brown orange and red is actually the esc it's different from the rest because it's the only one that can reach the kk board the rest are plugged into extension wires including the servo, indeed it's on tri and on the entry is on servo and high it I'm sure becuase I reversed the -100 to +100 like five times, I'm sure it's on tri because when I flashed I got the 12.3.8 and it discovered a weak point in my tail servo setup and started shaking smashed the old servo. Which led me to getting this digital servo and I'm not faced with this issue. Man if I didn't like challenges and have a passion for flying I really would've gave up already on this build but it's only going to make it so much better when she airbourne.


Senior Member
I may be completely wrong as I am completely new to multirotors as well. When I built my anycopter I was also having several problems and also use a Turnigy 9X. I noticed in your last video the type of model you have selected is a Heli. I also did this and had several problems. I changed it to aero and all the problems seemed to go away. I now can fly with no problems. Might be worth a try.


Junior Member
Thanks and that exact thought seem to have crossed my mind as when Dan replied I really hope that's it. I also seen there's is a new firmware for the kk2.1.5 I'm going to check both when I get home


Junior Member
Yeah thanks for that blade catch, yeah I found out why it was making the the tail follow the throttle. It was we'll before the the new blades came it it was when I flashed the kk2 it I had put it on tricopter with servo on m8. I my partner in the build actually started just checking the ports and arming then it hit me what had happened, so I'm just going to flash to the newest firmware any way but here is a vid on that night, she still spins though,


Senior Member
The spinning is because of a setting on the KK board. Watch this video and he explains it when he talks about the tricopter spinning like a top. He starts talking about this at about the 34 minute 30 second mark of the video when he talks about the mixer editor settings.