"my eventual Auger-In with the F-22 was largely because it was all one color, is small and I couldn't tell if I was looking at the top or bottom. And I chose poorly. "
Don't feel bad, I bought one of those Voodoo's from UMX before christmas. It was tiny and purple but it flew so well on 2 cells. Got my 3rd cell in and even though I was trying to fly it at less then 1/2 throttle SO much more faster. I got it turned around and headed in the right direction and thought I'd bring it around off power so I rolled a bit and pulled and it dove. Darn thing was inverted AND about the size of a gnat. I put it on SAFE mode and the gnat danced a bit so NOW it was right side up and I reduced power again and rolled to bring it back BUT I blinked and I couldn't find it to focus on it. I killed the throttle and started walking. When things go wrong, they go wrong fast. I've got the new fuse for that, I'll swap it around and take that sucker to the flying field with the three cell on. It sure was cute BUT a little smaller then I thought it was going to be.
If you're scratch building, you don't have to put the equipment in while you build. They're pretty cool looking in paint just hanging in the bedroom. I won't take a picture over my shoulder. Or downstairs in the building room. Or in the family room, or on top, LOOOK they just look cool if they're ready to fly or not AND at a couple bucks for foam board, why not? Does sound like the storch would be a better build OR build a new wing for the Trainer fuse and put ailerons on it. roll and pull on that. It's really not that hard, you're rudder servo is making the wing do the roll by pushing the leading edge into the wind and that gives it more lift. Enough dihedral and you wouldn't know it didn't have ailerons except, the roll is different. A group of combat guys drove the other combat guys nuts at the NATS one year with that. You can have an aileron wing for next to nothing and an extra servo for your trainer and then maybe the storch. I generally have a barber pole pattern on the bottom of my wing, some feathering on top