noob trying to fiqure out what reciever to get


Junior Member
For ajr xf421ex transmitter cheap to put in my ft-22 raptor I'm building I'm brand new to flying please help. Thanks!!!!!! Court


Dedicated foam bender
Should be able to use any Fm 72mhz Rx provided you have access to a matching crystal. Both the Tx and Rx need to have the same channel crystal. Crystal set should run you about $5-8 and the Rx is probably going to be about $12 and up depending on what you decide on.


Junior Member
Thanks so much I had no idea what I was looking for like I. Said brand new to this again thanks so much


Dedicated foam bender
Just to make sure, you DO have the 72mhz version? I believe they were made in 35mhz, 50mhz and 72mhz. Just make sure your crystals and receiver all match the frequency the radio is. I tend to knee jerk to 72 since that's what is legal for us in the states...