So I just got a bunch of old rc plane and car receivers,along with a bunch of old remotes a couple speed controllers, motors, and a bunch of old NI-CAD Batteries
(Longstory short my class got a ton of new equipment) I haven't really dug in to them that much but I got a couple of the remotes to turn on
I'd like to use this stuff for a project but I dont know the best way of pairing the receivers to the remotes, testing them and programming them.
These things came with a box full of little chip looking things that have different numbers on the some of them are red some are grey. I was wondering what the the best way of going about this would be. Any tips and tricks you guys use are appreciated.
I'm into building RC planes. One problem I had was that couldn't find a guide to the basics of connecting all the electronics parts together (on instructables). Hopefully this I'ble will help you get started with your RC plane.
Biolethal made a very good instructable on a COMPLETE guide to RC electronics so for more detail on each part please read his i'ble. While he thoroughly explains each component, he doesn't explain how to hook it all up. That is the goal of this i'ble to explain how to connect everything.
The transmitter is what you use to control your plane with. This is usually the most expensive electronic component that you will buy.
Most modern transmitters us a 2.4 Ghz frequency. These new ones have shorter antennas and are easier to work with as opposed to the oder FM radios.
The transmitter that I use the HobbyKing's transmitter. It cost 25 dollars for the transmitter AND the receiver. Its probably the cheapest 6 channel radio on the market today. I've been using this transmitter for about a year and a half now and the only downside to it considering it's price is that it eats batteries. You might consider making it run off of a lipo battery.
Speaking of a 6 channels what does that mean? There are 3-,5-,6-channel transmitters and so forth. Channels are the amount of things you can control. For instance a three channel transmitter means you can only control three motors/servos/accessories. A standard RC transmitter you buy for a RC plane has 6 channels. These channels are controlling the rudder, elevator, ailerons, motor, Aux 1, and Aux 2. So basically each channel controls a different motor.
Aux 1 and Aux 2 are reserved for different features on your plane. For instance you could have 2 bomb drops, or 1 bomb drop and a set of lights. The auxiliaries are usually controlled extra switches or knobs on the transmitter.