Orange RX Module Antenna Mod


New member
I just recently purchased the Taranis and I also got an Orange RX Module to go in it for BNF planes. I've watched several videos on youtube about a relatively simple antenna mod you can do to make the antenna come out of the top of the module instead of the back. However when I went to do this mod, I realized my module is completely different than the ones in the videos! I'm assuming is a newer one....
In the videos the SMA (I think) Connecter that the antenna screws into is on a wire that you can simply move by drilling a new hole. On my module, the SMA connecter is soldered directly to the PCB. There is no wire and no way of disconnecting the antenna without desoldering the old one. My question is, is there any way around desoldering the SMA connector? Can I use an SMA extension cable? Any ideas are appreciated.
Hey good luck with that mod its pretty fine soldering in thete. I was lucky to recieve one of the other modules and couls do the mod very easily. For an Idea on what to use on the module for a arial holder, I used the plastic housing on an old Orange RX. It is the perfect size and the exact colour. Does not look like a diy mod.


New member
I'm thinking about desoldering it. It looks like its 5 solder points. Might just use an old computer wire harness to move the SMA connector. We'll see. Maybe I'll put a picture on here to see if anyone has any ideas.