Question about RV/Tent pass Flite Fest EAST 2017


Hello, I sent an email through the flite fest website, but have not received a reply yet.

So here's the situation. My friend is driving an RV to Flite Fest East. I am driving my truck and 14' enclosed trailer hauling planes and other stuff. We plan to arrive around the same time. We would like to setup next to each other or as close as possible.

Do I buy an RV pass too? Tent Pass?
And if he gets there before me, can he reserve a spot next to him for me to park when I get there?

I need an answer soon so I can take advantage of the Early Bird prices.



Does anyone know a better way to contact the organizers of Flite Fest East?
I only have a week left to take advantage of the early bird prices.


I landed it!
Based on my experience at FF16 if you want to camp next to an RV, you are going to need an RV pass. Also a truck and trailer that big would probably be a snug fit in a tent site anyway. As to reserving a space, it's all first come first served. That said, if you or your buddy talk to the volunteers or staff at the gate and there are 2 RV sites next to each other, they will most likely be able to accommodate you. Just my $0.02, hope it helps.


Thanks Jon, much appreciated.
The truck and trailer will be detached. The truck will be used through the weekend to do runs for ice, food, and what ever we need. The trailer and a 10x10 popup will be set next to the RV.

If I don't hear from anyone by this week, I'll just purchase an RV pass and hope for the best.


I'm a care bear...Really?
I highly suggest just getting the rv pass. Also just to make it easier I suggest you guys meet up and then roll in together. That way you know you will be next to each other.


Cub Crazy
Last year I meet up with somebody on Wednesday afternoon. I got there a couple hours before he did and just parked my truck on one of the tent spots. I then set set up my canopy and tent on another site. Wasn't a big deal. If you are getting there later in the week it might be a little harder to get two sites next to each other. But everybody is willing to try to accommodate something like this.



Thanks for the suggestions. :)
We will try to arrive at about the same time and I'll get an RV pass to be safe.
This will be another great event. Looking forward to it. Got a few guys from our club to go too. all around great fun. :)


Winter is coming
What is the tent pass? How does is it different from a pilot's pass?

A tent pass if for those who will be camping and sleeping overnight at the Furey property for flitefest. A pilots pass assumes you'll be sleeping off-site or up all night building or night flying ;)


New member
A tent pass if for those who will be camping and sleeping overnight at the Furey property for flitefest. A pilots pass assumes you'll be sleeping off-site or up all night building or night flying ;)

Thanks. After I posted it struck me. Guess I was having a senior moment.


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
Um, Mak, close, but not quite.


The pilot's pass is for anyone who flies. Spectator's passes are for everyone else. These passes are for people, and every person should have one. If you're on the property and you're not related/personal friends of the Furey's you will need one of these passes.

The Tent/RV passes reserves a spot (not a specific spot, but one among the pool of spots will be there for you when you arrive) to setup a tent or RV. They differ in size -- RV is 40x20', Tent is 25x20'. These footprints are fairly generous sizes for event camping, and give you plenty of room for living space and parking. Everyone staying at your site, however will also need a pilot or spectator pass.


Winter is coming
Um, Mak, close, but not quite.

Heh, that's why I should never be put in charge of anything important! Especially where details are concerned ;)

Thanks for the correction and clarification! And yes, I bought both my tent and pilots pass on signing up! Oh and signed up for the free volunteer spot too!


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
Wait? Andre didn't make you pay to volunteer?

Man. He must like you ;)