I saw the video on the Flite Test FTCA youtube channel about commenting on the NPRM.
Right now the total comments are just above 11,000 at the federal rule site. Does anyone know why Flite Test hasn't put out a call for comments on the main webpage and regular YouTube channel? With their subscriber and supporter numbers the comments could really increase.
Simple - people won't comment on the government website, they'll comment on the YouTube video or the main webpage instead. Look at the AMA's FB page and you'll see a plethora of comments about it, but they're not bothering to go to the FAA and express their displeasure. They're blaming the AMA for not standing up for us, they're bashing drone pilots (guess what, guys? Regardless of what you fly, the FAA sees any Unmanned Aerial Vehicle - glider, fixed wing, heli, quadcopter, even an RC paramotor - as a drone and doesn't make a distinction!), and not providing any thoughtful, meaningful arguments against Remote ID. Really, it's giving fuel to the fire, from what I can see.
Best I can say, PLEASE go comment, as we need more people than 11,000. But, also THINK about what you're saying before you click on that Submit button, and realize that the FAA is considering us all the same type of pilot, regardless of what we're flying.