Help! Question on F-16 Master Series Viper build


I’m building a Master Series F-16 Viper. The CG is only 1-1 1/2 “ from the leading edge per the spec sheet (38 mm). This seems very far forward and not near the wing cord. I have compared this CG to the Freewing 70 mm F-16 which is 3” from the leading edge, twice as far back, so I’m nervous as I’m putting in retracts which will add more weight. Looking for confirmation that this CG for this model is correct.


Anyone who has successfully built and flown this ship... where did your C.G. sit?
Maidened mine a couple days ago as I'm now in Florida. Set the CG at 2" back from LE. I added retracts from Freewing F-16. Barely got off the paved runway. At speed I had no elevator authority. Kicked in high rates and used all the up-trim. Thought I lost it. Slowed it down and it responded a little better. Made 2 go-arounds and landed hard on the runway. Tested the landing gear! Didn’t break and came home in one piece. Scary! Now I will balance according to Freewing F-16 pushing CG back another 1 1/2 inches and use a lighter battery…. Freewing CG is 3 1/2" back from LE where fuse meets wing. Here is a YouTube video of a guy maidening FT F-16 and he crashes in the woods as he has no elevator.... FT CG is way too far forward IMHO. I'll find out when it stops raining...