Hi yall, I got a Flexjet g2 from a friend, and I took out the aura 8 so I can put my own gyro in it, and I set up everything according to the manual, but the retracts won't move. When I connect the retracts to another receiver with no servos connected they retracts and the doors close. When I connect a servo to the port and flip the switch, it moves, but when I connect the retracts to the port, they don't do anything. Do any of yall have an idea of what the problem is? I even took out the bec from the esc, and put in a higher amp bec. I can change the voltage from 5 to 5.5 or 6 if I need to, but some of the servos say, "optimized for 5v". Would it be safe to try with 6v on the bec?