Rotor Riot - Chad's NEW SHOW!!


Eternal Hobbyist
Rotor Riot
It's like Top Gear but with multirotors!

Ok, I get this question all the time... Chad, what are you doing next? Well this is it. This is the ground floor. Development starts today!

Q: How is it different than Flite Test?
A: Rotor Riot is a YouTube show focused on expert level, high performance pilots and drones. I made a chart...

Q: Who'll be in this show?
A: So far I asked these guys and they all showed interest...
Steele Davis (Mr Steele)
Chad Nowak (FinalGlideAUS)
Tommy Tibajia (UmmaGawd)
Carlos Fernandez Puertolas (Charpu)

Q: When will the first episode be released?
A: Late November 2015

Q: What will we do?
Seek adventure
Push technology
Grow skills
Inspire excellence

Q: Who's it’s for?
Thrill seekers
The crazy ones

Q: How will we do it?
Through entertainment, with transparency and inclusion.

Q: Why will we do it?
OK now let me ask you some questions :)

1. What would be the perfect episode?
2. What products would you like to see featured?
3. Who would you like to see on the show?
4. Why is this a good/bad idea?
5. What's your favorite multirotor?
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Senior Member
Is it a different cast? I would think it would be. I would like to see live drone races online ( youtube live). An issue with such a small group (mini quads) is that there might not be much to do, if you have the episodes planned then it would be fine. TUNING! I would think that would be a huge subject. You can also do a store that makes a carbon frame, shirts, etc. that suits the viewer requests. There can be a ton of things that can go wrong on a mini quad, so maybe explain what happens when one part fails or doesn't work properly. Get the mindset of the best racers in turns, tricks, and other things that might be hard to grasp for some. Also, if you are using the FT cast, think about the schedule that the public sees ( sometimes FT will miss a day, and I guess they got a lot on their plates). Hope this helps, and to talk about this a lot more! I got my first mini on the way, but I kinda ran out of money...


Monkey/Bear Poker

I think one of the most important things for this show to examine would be the fact that these multirotors (quaptors lol) are really not good for spying on people.

And of course, just how much fun they are to race!

Seriously though the safety factors that are involved in multi racing and the like. New flying tricks, shooting the gaps with them and just how much fun they can be.

While accessible to all, it does take some great piloting skills to do the things that the sponsored pilots do with these fantastic little machines.

I am excited and looking forward to seeing what you have in store for this show!

Mike Finley

Chad I think this is a great idea! Super excited to see what you come up with.

Oh and here, I fixed the chart for you :)



Junior Member

Chad I think this is a great idea! Super excited to see what you come up with.

Oh and here, I fixed the chart for you :)

View attachment 56207

HAHA, NN! Good call.

I'd love to see the more "advanced" stuff that you're talking about. I love the focus on multirotors. Planes and helis are fun, but it's always a little bit of a bummer when I get the notification on my phone that FT has uploaded a new video... then it turns out to be on a topic I'm not all that interested in. Don't get me wrong, FT is 100% awesome, but I feel I've outgrown some of the materials they are putting out these days in terms of skill level (when it comes to multirotors anyway), which is about all I'm interested when it comes to RC flying stuff. Just looking for that next challenge, you know?

How about theories on how to perform aerobatics and stuff like that? Or how to know when you're ready to transition from intermediate level to expert level (multirotor/FPV)?? And as someone mentioned above, there are endless possibilities on the topic of tuning. Even though I understand it to an extent, this could be an excellent place to discuss it, without having to worry too much about the incoming newbies being too confuzzled - among countless other topics beyond "How to bind your TX to your RX". I think you have a great idea here! Hopefully we can help get it off the ground! (ba dummm psssshhhhh).


Gravity Tester
Hey Chad I think the new show sounds really entertaining. Keeping along the Top Gear theme I think you should have the presenters do ridiculous challenges every now and then along with actually reviewing the newest technology. Those are some of my favorite episodes of Flitetest, the challenges that have no purpose other than for fun entertainment. You could also bring guests on to the show and do time trials, or just do featured content.

Also along the lines of advanced multirotor content, there could be some discussion on more sophisticated AP builds. That might be tough though as racing multirotors and AP multirotors are fairly opposite on the spectrum.

Looking forward to it!


terrorizing squirrels
I think it sounds like a terrible idea..... unless of course I'm included in it. ;)

I do like the idea of focussing on the banter and humour that I see every time I fly with my mates. Keep it light hearted and fun and the entertainment will flow. Combine that with the content people want to see and you have a winner in my books.


Eternal Hobbyist
Is it a different cast?
Yes, the cast would consist of the pilots listed in the initial post.

Oh and here, I fixed the chart for you :)
Thanks Nick! That's what I love about the FT forum... so many willing to help out :D

Also along the lines of advanced multirotor content, there could be some discussion on more sophisticated AP builds. That might be tough though as racing multirotors and AP multirotors are fairly opposite on the spectrum.
I think this is a great idea... it's about high-performance, not just racing.

I think it sounds like a terrible idea..... unless of course I'm included in it. ;)
I guess I'll have to include you... I've been trying to shake you since Hawaii!!

Release schedule: Every Monday starting late November 2015

So here's what I'm hearing so far...
*Tips & Tricks
*Daredevil Flying
When you guys post, copy and/or change this list to the priority order you would prefer.


Church Meal Expert
Top Gear formula -
  • Some guys who get along with each other (not necessarily experts)
  • Obvious passion for the subject
  • Lots of fun and fooling around
  • Silly Build Challenges
  • Involving outsiders (celebrities?) in the activities (fly a course with a standard HMB?)
  • The Stig (David Widestal?)
  • High Quality cinematography
I wish you success!

Best regards,


Staff member
  • The Stig (David Widestal?)

Stig... Tricopter anywhere on the show? -> David Windestal. Too easy. =)

I'm really interested to see what kind of content you will come up with so it doesn't get boring quick. I'm kind of starting to dislike all the "look at me, I'm FPVing through some obstacles" videos unless they are really well put together (like FGA's for example :)).

I'd like to see some tests and info besides the so often used setups. Perhaps have some pro's review of a different controller / firmware that's not that widely used or test / compare them.
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Gravity Tester
I'm really interested to see what kind of content you will come up with so it doesn't get boring quick. I'm kind of starting to dislike all the "look at me, I'm FPVing through some obstacles" videos unless they are really well put together (like FGA's for example :)).

I'd like to see some tests and info besides the so often used setups. Perhaps have some pro's review of a different controller / firmware that's not that widely used or test / compare them.

Along those lines and much like Top Gear, have the hosts try to achieve a goal using low funds or sub par equipment. Then they will have to use the best of their knowledge to get the best performance out of what they have. So not only do they have to know how to fly well, they also have to be able to get creative with what they have. And maybe a little sabotage here and there :p

1. Challenges
2. Builds
3. Tips & Tricks
4. Daredevil Flying
5. Guests
6. Reviews
7. Safety (still important though!)


Eternal Hobbyist
Really great input guys!!

I agree with Balu about not just flying videos. I think this is about the personalities involved and them expressing their opinions, knowledge and experience.

Here's an idea Tommy (Ummagawd) shared with me...

Formation Flying - The episode can cover us planning a flight path, finding locations to do it (we can do one where it's open space doing tricks, another where it's urban/proxy style), and the practice/prep. One person is chasing the other 2 as I think it would be crazy to watch how 2 miniquads look like doing flips/rolls at the same time.

BTW this is a still frame from one of his flights...
Screen Shot 2015-10-17 at 4.20.31 PM.png

Here's the video:


Junior Member
great idea. I think with these rapdily changing technologies it's good to have a show that cuts through the gist of it. as a manufacturer it's also a lot easier to get the underlying ideas across if the show is moderated and produced by a professional. great idea!


Eternal Hobbyist
great idea. I think with these rapdily changing technologies it's good to have a show that cuts through the gist of it. as a manufacturer it's also a lot easier to get the underlying ideas across if the show is moderated and produced by a professional. great idea!

Does that mean I can release that super-secret video preview I shot when I ran into you in Austria?


Senior Member
Here is another challenge idea. You've probably seen this video before, balancing a pole, catching a ball and other "athletic" quadcopter tricks:

This one is more recent, you may not have seen it, building a rope bridge with multicopters:

I would love to see if some expert pilots can recreate some of those feats. Even if they fail, should be fun to see them try.