RPQ-s exam looming, can't wait to get it done!


Senior Member
It's been a while since I last posted. I've been busy at work with setting up a new community project where we are going to be taking families for their first experience of camping and outdoor pursuits. We've got our first trial run tomorrow evening, so I'll be stuck in a woods in tent and the weather is looking dodgy too. All good fun though. As well as that I've got my RPQ-s course and exam on Tuesday and Wednesday next week so I've been busy working through the online learning part of the course that's provided. It's a big deal for me whether I pass this course or not because I'm taking up commercial flying this year. I've got some jobs lined up already, dependent on whether I pass or not. I'm still flying the Phantom 3 Pro and have racked up quite some hours with it now. No dramas with the aircraft to report and I've enjoyed every minute with it.

I'm looking at upgrading within the next 12 months and going for the Yuneec H920 or the DJI S900, with a decent DSLR and a couple of lenses. I'll still be using the Phantom as and when I can though. I know the multi rotor racing is where a lot of people are at nowadays, it doesn't float my boat though. I prefer plodding about in the sky and trying to capture decent images and video. I've started to experiment with the Phantom and the camera a lot more now I've overcome my fear of crashing and the ensuing divorce when I would have had to explain I needed to buy another multirotor;)

I've got 90 days from my written exam next week to book my flight exam, and also to produce the operations manual and flight reference cards that I will be using for the commercial operations. One of the jobs I've been offered is regular work for an estate agent who deals in high end properties, so it would be aerial video and images of estates and homes. Steady work and regular enough to pay some bills.


Senior Member
Thanks :)

I passed the ground school written exam yesterday. We weren't given our scores as they have to be reviewed by another marker before they give them out so we'll be getting them early next week. The pass mark was 70% but we were told we had good passes. So next up is to create the ops manual, volumes one and two. Then it's the flight reference cards to sort. Once I've done all that I can book in for my flight exam. That will be at least half a day, with pre flight planning, site survey and risk assessment to complete, then two flights with tasks to complete. One in GPS mode and the other in Atti. I have to use the FRC's I will have created during the flight phases. If I pass that, then I can submit my application for Permission for Aerial Work with the CAA. :) it's going to be a few more months yet before I get there, but I can't wait!