I like to peek in from time to time and say hi back to those who've posted here.
Howdy y'all and welcome to the friendliest flight forum on Earth.
GM, How's the Electrohub Multirotor coming along. Hopefully better than mine. Thank you for your service.
Joe, Flying RC is way fun but being aboe to do it with family is irreplaceable. I'm pleased to another father & son in it.
Fred, I'd be curious to see a scratchbuilt origami flyer. That would be different.
John, Did your Bix3 arrive? I'd be interested in hearing your opinion.
Greasy, I'm working on a Snowball with my niece. Are you converting your for the winter?
Hi Nate.
Bienvenu Tom. J'ai ètè en France il y a plus que presque 30 ans.
Doom, Batbone tricopter looks nice. How's it fly?
John, Everytime I see glassy water, especially with the thin hazy fog above it, I always think how nice it'd be to do touch and go's of it.
Brent, Nice quad pic. Your or a pic of another?
Keith, Again, gotta love this hobby with the family. It's been a nice platform for bonding family and friends.
Fabinho, Bem-vindo.
As we approach the holidays I would like to wish you all special time with family and friend as we celebrate such a meaningful time. Merry Christmas!