Learning to fly RC planes can take a while. I know it took me longer than some. I broke props. Lots and lots of props.
I want to make something like the Bixler or Floater Jet. I'm currently decent at flying, but still not the best. So I know that even I would benefit from a pusher plane. I don't know about you, but I want something cheap, easy to fix, and doesn't break props every time I have a whoopsie.
Since it's warming up I plan on starting to build more. Hopefully I'll start on my Bixler clone soon and I'll definitely start a build thread on it. Although I don't have a name or project code name for it yet. I don't like the thrust angle of the Bixler so I'm going to make it a high wing with the prop directly behind it. Similar to the Smash Drone. I know I don't need to re-invent the wheel, but I hope to make mine a 4 channel and sleek enough to handle the wind really well.