WWII fanatic
Thanks to @SquirrelTail for naming the plane, and HUGE thanks to (in no particular order) @Beeblebrox @jpot1 @Stoobiedoo and @BATTLEAXE for building and providing feedback on the plane to make it as good as possible.
After seeing how many people have looked for a Mighty Mini sized FT Storch, Bushwacker, or a UMX Timber clone. I decided to take on a quick challenge to make a plane. The design flies really good without any bad tendencies, and can be built with one and a half sheets of foam. It is a fairly simple build and has a huge flight envelope. You can build it as a regular 4ch plane dial back the throws and use it as a step up from the 4ch Tiny Trainer, or you can build it with flaps and you'll have a STOL beast. With a removable wing it is the perfect plane to throw in the back seat. The plane also features removable landing gear so you can still fly if you're at a bumpy field or flying off of tall grass.

PDF Plans: ShrubSmacker Plans V1.1
Dxf: ShrubSmacker Dxf
@Wildthing 120% Plans for 6mm Foam: 120% ShrubSmacker (See post 154 for details)
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