Ok, I think I should really explain what I'm trying to do. So I have a cheap Syma X5c clone with a broken frame, and I just wanna replace its frame, not build a whole new drone.
That line of thinking has led to many a project, at least for me! Lol
You can actually buy the parts for a lot of those toy grade drones if you look, and some CA glue can fix a lot of damage most of the time but if you are just feeling like doing a little project i have a few tips:
Keep it as close to the same weight and prop configuration as the original. They dont seem to do as well if they're very different since they were tuned to fly with the original frame and that cant really be changed.
Try to isolate the board from vibration as best you can. They dont seem to handle vibrations well.
Keep the motor wires secure so they dont get in the props and watch that you dont damage the wire where it goes into the motor. Kinda fragile there.
I know i used to get little lightweight frame kits for the hubsan 107s i used to mess with all the time and they suspended the board with little rubber bands which was kind of neat. Cant seem to remember where i got them but i did a quick look and found
Another way to go is to make hovercraft out of them. FT used to even have a kit for that if i recall.