TBS Discovery 3-Axis AP Build Log - Snarls


Techno Nut
Alright Snarls, need to pix you brain on the pixhawk. Appears there are more options now that weren't available in the past for both firmware and Ground Control. I've used mission Planner with APM and that is still an option for PIX. Just got a PixFalcon FC (PixHawk mini) for my X650 utility platform. Played a bit with mission planner and QGroundControl. Have seen others mentioned too. Wondering if you have kept up with the available options and have any prefrences or opinions to share. Just playing on the bench at this point and looking for options.



Gravity Tester
I am using the latest Mission Planner with Arducopter 3.5 (latest is 3.5.1 which has a bug fix I don't need). I have not tried QGroundControl and honestly have not wanted to do anything that MP could not do. Everything is easy and straightforward to setup and my copter flies great.

I think QGroundControl is made for using the PX4 firmware which is similar to Arducopter, but the exact advantages/disadvantages of it I'm not sure.


Techno Nut
Thanks for the input Snarls! There seems to be a PC/MAC or iPhone/Android squawk between the camps. Both sides of course are superior in their own eyes, and the other is the belligerent enemy. LOL! Since I have plenty of APM 3.2.x experience, and other quads that can't do PX4, I'll probably stick with MissionPlanner and ArduCopter unless I find a compelling reason to switch.
