Well, I'm shelving the tricopter.
Today it was flying great for the first time in a while, with new vibration dampening on the FCB, but had a slightly aggressive P on auto level, so I lowered it 20% from 100 to 80.
Then, when I was doing simple patterns to get back in practice, I lost orientation, and hit AL. It kept going for about 2 sec, and had just started to level when she piled in. There isn't much left. I guess I lowered the gain to much, because it used to be very snappy in recovery.
Any way, all 3 booms broke, the frame cracked, the battery looked like a banana, and the motors were scattered all over. In a bit of irony, none of the props broke....
Still, as I am leaving for college in a week, I don't have time to order new parts, so I picked up a GWS Pico moth kit for my dorm instead, and will try to fix the tri around Christmas.