HELP! Tricopter issues!
Hello all,
I am brand new to forums, and I hope I am not a burden by posting this in the " wrong place"
I need some guidance on my new bat bone tricopter. I built it to be a camera ship, and am quite disappointed with the flight time. I am running turnigy park 300 motors, 30A multistar esc's, kk2.1.5, 8.45 props, and a 3s 2200. I am currently getting 3 minutes at the most for flight time, and that is in a hover!
I have tried larger props with a lower pitch ( 10.38's ) and one motor failed, all esc's and motors where hot/warm.
I also have tried a 4s 3000 and had much better preformance ( as expected ) but everything was way to hot, and the esc's and motors are not rated for 4s ( per hobby king's website).
I have researched everywhere and cannot find my issue, if there is anyone that can help I would be greatly appreciative.
Thank you in advance,