Made it out to the field this morning - winds at zero, temperature just below freezing - a perfect winter day!
First up, here's the amount of down thrust I added - one servo arm carefully inserted behind the top of the Faux motor mount.
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In addition to the down thrust, I added another 1/4 oz of weight (up to 1.25oz total now), dialed back the motor to 75% maximum, and added two business cards worth of additional positive incidence on the top wing. Flight performance was better over three additional flights making these adjustments, but she's still very pitchy. However, I only had one more nose over - greased in two smooth landings on the wheels with flight times around 6 minutes. Takeoff's are an adventure though - she banks hard left once she comes off the ground and causes a minor heat attack until she gets enough airspeed so the control surfaces can catch and level her out again.
Right now she's an adrenaline junkies dream with the motor running, and with the motor off she glides sweet and level. That (combined with the takeoff excitement) is telling me there is probably more I need to do with thrust adjustments - perhaps a touch more down and even some right thrust. I also need to take some 2s batteries with me to the field next time too - even with the throttle limited to 75% she is way over powered for the amount of lift these flat bottom wings are putting out!