My take Ben is you went over board with the number of batteries used. I truly think you could have used 1, 4S 6000 for each two EDFs symmetrically connected and just one flight pack battery. You would cut about 4 pounds that way. Flight time is going to be short any way and you are only going to cycle the gear up and down once per flight. Same with the wing tips if you keep them on V2. Just my take, it would help the weight.
It's possible, yes a single 6000 4S would be adequate for two fans - that's what I usually run in my F-4 actually - but that would be dropping the flight time drastically, going from 6000mAh/fan to 3000mAh/fan. And, I was already up to 17lbs without batteries, so it's not like I was going to be a light bird anyway.
Ultimately, a few pounds wouldn't have made a difference on this particular incident. I ran off the runway for a whole host of reasons, but weight isn't one of them. The chief one was a lack of rudder authority, which I would HAVE had if I just had it on "high" rates.
CG, now that's another issue - I probably shouldn't have put that extra lump of lead in the nose to pull the CG forward. Looking at my math and simulations, I think my original CG would have been fine.
Yes, there are plans - rough ones, anyway - I will post them at some point.