Despite being a bit under the weather the past couple days, I managed to make some good progress on V2.
Wing fold?
Main wing?
Back spine?
Neck & Nose?
After joining the neck and nose, I then had to cut it off to make a splice for storage and transport. The splice location is different from where the plans lay out the assembly joint, which is why I have to assemble and then cut. If I had thought ahead, I could've designed the splice into the plans...but here we are.
Once the neck splice is done I can do another taxi test, and at that point she's basically flight-ready again. But Maiden-V2 will be FAR LESS public and (hopefully) low key. I won't be rushing or pushing anything this time around. Even if she's ready fly by the weekend, I have no plans to fly that soon.
ANYWAY...Here are some fun pics, enjoy!
Vertical tails, with servos and stickers!
Details of folding wingtip hinge
Wing structure, same as before
Canard flaps installed
Wing ON, nose ON! (Neck splice still needs to be cut and re-joined though)
Indoor panorama
Thanks for following along. Stay tuned for more!