XB-70 Valkyrie: FT Style


/picks jaw up of the ground... absolutely amazing!

Did you ever get around to retesting the parachute system or did I miss that somehow?


I did, I just didn't take any good video of it and I forgot to talk about it. I'll be finalizing the chute-deploy bag tomorrow, and I'll take video and post something about it after that.
I´m watching the video for the 5ft time now and i still don´t really understand how this "deployment bag" shoots out the parachute with so much power :confused: .
But anyways it works and it looks great!


WWI Flying Ace
I´m watching the video for the 5ft time now and i still don´t really understand how this "deployment bag" shoots out the parachute with so much power :confused: .
But anyways it works and it looks great!

If you watch the very last slo-mo shot of it ejecting, and go frame by frame, you can see there is an elastic band stretched from the rear of the plane forward into the chute bay. When the doors open, the bag with the chutes is pulled out by the elastic, flinging everything out toward the rear. It's is brilliant in it's simplicity.


If you watch the very last slo-mo shot of it ejecting, and go frame by frame, you can see there is an elastic band stretched from the rear of the plane forward into the chute bay. When the doors open, the bag with the chutes is pulled out by the elastic, flinging everything out toward the rear. It's is brilliant in it's simplicity.

Well spotted! And I did talk about the elastic in the video, however briefly, I didn't do a great job of really explaining or showing the packing and ejection. I'll make sure to show that and cover it better on Saturday when we're setting everything up.


Wake up! Time to fly!
In the air yet? In the air yet? In the air yet? I gotta go potty (again) No cactus this time please....

Good luck Mr Ben and team!!!


WWI Flying Ace
Silly me! The video is already up! Watching it now!

... Darnit, nope. That was just the preamble. It was a nice tribute to his wife though!
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Maneuvering With Purpose
Good luck Ben! And I wonder what happened. Technical glitch? Facebook Live has a tendency to disappoint.


Sorry for the delay guys. I'll put more up after I've processed everything (video and next steps)...

Maiden didn't go as planned. Crosswind + Low rudder deflection = Piling nose first into a fence.

Repairs and rebuilding are not likely - given the extent of the damage - but I'm not ruling a "V2" build. ;)

Thanks for everyone's support, thanks for following along and all your patience. Thanks to Flite Test for their support as well. I told Josh right after the crash and his words were literally "Still proud of you. Tape it back together and try again. :D. Foam and Fun :D "

Stay tuned!


Elite member
My sincerest condolences Ben. I know that FT helped out with the hardware but your personal investment in this was huge.

A couple of deep breaths, murmur some expletives, and back in the saddle I hope.



Active member
Aww man... we're right there with you brother! Someone get the man a beer! In all seriousness though great job! V1. Looked absolutely amazing! I'm sure V2 will be even better! Give it a break, fly some stuff, and have some fun. Just adds to the epic story that is the Harber Valkyrie!