XK A430-Good Beginner Plane?

SSgt Duramax

Junior Member
Say your opinion in the comments please. Also where can I buy the XK A430?
You should have posted a link so we got the right one. But if you are talking about the one I found it wouldn't be, since it is a 3D plane (allegedly). I've been flying for a while and I am just now ready to take that step.


What are your goals, what is your skill level, and what is your budget? Do you want to build a plane or buy one? What equipment (if any) do you have?
Ok. Couldn't find a good link, and I am a beginner. But the xk a430 is less than 100 dollars, and it has two modes. One doesn't let you do all the maneuvers, and it self stabilizes. I have a bit of drone experience though


Master member
Forget what the product descriptions say - having a gyro stabiliser does not a 'perfect begginer plane' make. They just want you to buy it, crash it and buy more parts.

If you are interested in these out of the box, smallish planes, I have some recommendations.

XK / WL Toys F949 is a model of a Cessna that is very nice for beginners. I have seen one in the hands of a beginner and they thoroughly enjoyed it, flying for minutes at a time.

It's a 3ch, rudder & elevator design which limits its capability, so shop around, try and find one for £40 or so, I got mine on ebay for £35. But it is an EXCELLENT beginner plane, because 1) Being super light makes it very crash resistant (you are GOING to crash, we all do) and 2) it has no gyro stabilisation. The airframe is naturally stable! This is important because no Gyro is doing any of the flying for you and you will learn the TRUE inputs you need to make to manage turns, feel how going faster makes the plane want to pitch up, going slower makes it dip the nose and overall, you will learn to manage wind. I have flown it in winds far faster and gustier than it's rated for and it can handle it, if you know how to fly in stronger winds - though as a beginner you will want to keep your flights to calm days to avoid 'fly away' incidents and high-speed crashes. If a gyro is making inputs for you, you won't learn what inputs you need to make and you would likely need a gyro on EVERY plane you fly, which is not going to be fun if you want to scratchbuild.

My review of the plane:

Me taking the plane out in strong winds:

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Master member
Another plane I am waiting for in the post is Eachine's take on a mini Cessna. It's going to be my Dad's present - he's the beginner who loved the F949.

I don't know how this plane will fly EXACTLY but, I have experience with a mini cessna and I have two Eachine Minis already. Eachine minis just refuse to break when I crash them. They have Gyros that can be switched off in stages (though I recommend switching it to 'intermediate' right from the get go anyway, even if you're a beginner). I've let my Dad fly my Eachine mini P-51 with the Gyro on intermediate and he seemed okay with it - he chose to land after two minutes though, so maybe it felt a little intimidating for him.

The Eachine Minis can be more pricey, though right now the Cessna is 50% off. What places it above the WL Toys F949 is that it is a 4ch plane, so you will be able to grow with it. Learn loops and roles (The F949 can't do rolls, I've tried).

The only worry I have is that even in 'pro' the gyro still doesn't let off fully. I will have to see - my P-51 still has some gyroness going on in pro mode but the Eachine mini Spitfire goes fully free. But you have to whack the rudder to one side or try to fly inverted to see the difference and a beginner won't be doing that.

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