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This is a DTFB version of Skynetic Bald Eagle downsized to 80% which lets you get a complete wing on one sheet of FB. It flies very scale . Nice relaxing flier that will still do loops and rolls. A relatively quick build after the cutting is done. If you have a needle cutter message me and I'll get you the SVGs set up for cutting.
Here's the build -
You need:
3 sheets FB
4 9g servos
4 control horns
B pack motor & ESC
9x4 or so prop
swappable firewall or equivalent
1300 3s battery
There's lots of paper to peel off and the black DTFB is the worst. The wing on the left I soaked a rag in rubbing alcohol, dabbed it on and let it sit for a couple of minutes. That's obviously THE way to do it. There's a shallow bevel on the top root of the wing tips. On the tail feathers (literally) the fold pocket is on one side and the bevels on the other.
Pre-form the sides and doublers. It works best to go a little past the actual curve of the bottom plate. Glue the doublers in place with the curve, line them up on the top edge and back notch.
Then fold up one side (B fold), glue in the servo tray square to the side then fold up the other side. Make sure they're square.
Pre-form the bottom plate to match the sides. It's easier to score and fold the plate, glue in the back section then the front.
Glue and fold the tail so that it is square. The bevels will be on the outside of the tail.
Mark a center line on the top plate of the body and glue the tail down.
Glue up the spar (B fold) and cut the wing bevels. Cut a little better than a 45 degree bevel on the top outboard edge of the wing. You'll sand that later to accept the wing tips. Do a little pre-forming of the airfoil to soften them up a little then join the wing halves.
Gently fold the wings at the leading edge until you can get them flat, this gives a better leading edge. Do the final forming of the airfoil. Glue the spar in place then a thin bead in the leading edge V, glue along the tops of the spar and the bottom trailing edge and fold over and hold. The table and your forearms are your friends.
Now sand the outer edges of the wing to get a good close fit with the wing tips. Glue the bevel on the wing tip first and hold in place to the wing until it sets. The turn the wing over and run a bead along the top joint, hold together and wipe the excess.
Other Stuff:
Here are pics of servo set up. You want to adjust the ailerons so that they are inline with the bottom of the wing. This gives it some reflex since this is essentially a flying wing. The tail feathers are straight when centered.
Use a swappable motor mount and glue to the front of the doublers. You'll need to space the motor so that the prop clears the beak. I've included the step file so you can modify and 3D print to your specs. You may need a little down and right thrust. The skewers to attach the wing go in the marked holes and you might want a popsicle stick to the top of the trailing edge of the wing to protect it from the rubber bands. Everyone has their own way of attaching battery hatches, here's mine.
Start about 2" back from the leading edge and then adjust to taste.