Control Surface Protractor

Part Control Surface Protractor 1.2

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control surface protractor v6.png IMG_018047.jpg

I was tired of searching for throw gauges or printing new ones. This protractor is 2 1/2" per side so it's small enough to measure control surfaces and can go positive or negative. It has major divisions at 10° and minor at 2°. I made the outside so that it easily pinches against the inside to hold your angle. The one in the picture is printed in two filament colors using Prusa Slicer.
Printed in PETG with 25% triangular infill - though I don't think it really matters. The pivot is an M2x12 screw & nut. The inside piece prints flat, the outside piece prints vertically with supports (organic if you're using Prusa).
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  1. zip with all parts

    Outer, inner without numbers and inner with numbers
  2. Inner part with numbers

    Playing with 'engraved' numbers.

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This is a truly amazing tool! I didn't have any M2 hardware lying around, so I bent some landing gear wire for the hinge. Works great!
Another "where'd you get that?" for the field box.