OpenTX Pattern Sequence Caller

Part OpenTX Pattern Sequence Caller 1

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So how does an enterprising young pilot practice aerobatic pattern sequences when there is nobody around to remind them what comes next? Turn to the power of OpenTX! :D

With this set of OpenTX LUA and WAV files installed, every time the SH switch is pulled the radio calls out the next move in the pattern! :love:

How did this magic happen you ask? I started with a script I found on the net developed by Nigel Sheffield that did this type of function for an earlier version of OpenTX, but it didn't work when I tried to get it to run, and didn't have sound files to go with it. So with a couple days of poking around and trying different things, I finally got it working reliably with OpenTX 2.3. And then I figured out how to get the OpenTX Speaker program running so I could create a set of audio files for the 2018-2019 AMA Club Class sequence of 10 maneuvers.

And so you don't have to figure all this out from scratch, I'm posting it up here so everyone can start to become master pattern pilots! :D

Installation instructions in the readme.txt file in the zip. Simple to extend for other pattern sequences too!
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