aura 5 lite

  1. F

    Help! Ft Aura 5 with FT Guinea Pig

    This is my first self built airplane. I am just confused on the wiring and setup. I am using a RadioMaster Pocket and a R88. I cant figure out to wire and setup the aura 5 lite. I was able to get the left motor and allerions working but not anything else. I followed the Differential thrust video...
  2. Z

    Help! Having trouble setting up Aura 5 lite with spectrum spm4650

    I have the FT Arua 5 lite, spektrum spm4650, and the spektrum NX7E+, and I am having trouble binding. I followed the YouTube video set up for SRXL2 and everything is set up the way it is in the video, but I did not have the “TEXTGEN” option in the telemetry setup portion so I believe that this...

    Help! FT aura 5 lite not working with Lemon RX DSMP Diversity Satellite Receiver

    I’ve been trying to get my Aura 5 lite flight controller to bind with my Lemon RX DSMP Diversity Satellite Receiver (both products purchased on the FliteTest Store) yet I’m not sure whether I’m doing something wrong or one of the products is broken. Here’s what I’ve tried so far: - I have...
  4. K

    Aura 5 Lite Help!

    Ok, so I don't know what really happened. I received my aura on the 25th of Feb, 2022, and it didn't last the day. I am trying to fly a 3D printed wing, 2 Ailerons, and a throttle. I am using the lemon, and It bound up to my old Dx6I on the first try. Power is running through the ESC lead...
  5. WillL84

    Part Auro 5 Lite case/cover 2022-03-01

    Case with cover and buttons for the FT Aura 5. Not my design but I have one in my Legacy, fits great.
  6. M

    Solved FT aura instantly nose dives

    I purchased an aura board to put in my volantex ranger 2000 (big powered glider) for my partner because it should have been a slow and stable vehicle. We Set everything up, all looked good on the bench (using modded flysky fsi6 TX with 6ch RX and s-bus/ppm output.) Had to out 2 batteries in the...
  7. K

    Cannot activate launch assist on FT Aura 5

    Hey all, I'm working on my first FT plane, a Simple Cub. I've got my FlySky radio and FS-IA6B radio working with the Aura board via sbus. I've got the 3 position switch working to switch flight modes. What I can't get working is Launch Assist. I have set up all servo reversing. I...
  8. R

    Solved Aura 5 lite Board / Receiver issues

    I recently got the Aura board from Flitetest and tried to set it up with a satellite receiver (WILLOWLUCKY Receiver Satellite for JR Spektrum Transmitter RC SPM9645 AR6210 6CH 2.4GHz DSMX DSM2 Satellite). When I plugged everything in, the Aura started searching for a receiver, following the LED...
  9. T

    Aura 5 Help

    Hi all I am needing some help with getting my aura lite working. I am using a Taranis QX7 V2.2 for my tx and the FrSky R-XSR V 190311 for the satellite rx. I am able to bind the tx and rx together, after powering up the aura will blink a blue light then a solid orange light with a small green...
  10. Hvon11

    Aura 5 SRXL2 Setup and Telemetry Tuning

    I just updated my Spektrum DX6 to Airwave version and the TextGen telemetry option has been eliminated. I do see the Aura 5 on the DX6 monitor and can see the gain settings for all 3 Flight Modes. However, I can’t get into the Aura 5 tune mode by flipping the Flight Mode switch 3 to 4...
  11. R

    Aura 5 lite question

    so im gonna be putting an ft aura 5 lite in a carl Goldberg anniversary piper cub, which is a tail dragging aircraft. will i need to zero the aura while holding the tail up as if the plane were in level flight? also how would i reduce vibration of the board? im nervous that it will vibrate and...
  12. R

    Hello, new guy needs advice

    Hi, I’m a newbie to fixed wing. I bought a striX stratosurfer and a ft simple cub. I’ve had a pretty tough time with both to say the least. They’re both pretty beat up but I finally got the stratosurfer flying, very precariously however.... All it has is a six channel fly sky receiver and...
  13. JustDucky

    Problem with FT Aura 5 Lite

    Last month my wife bought a Hookll PT-17 Stearman for my birthday. Absolutely beautiful bird. I had recently purchased a FT Aura 5 Lite and a Spektrum satellite receiver for a different project, but I decided to shove 'em into the Stearman instead. Things seemed to be going well with this setup...