
  1. bpw823

    36" Fiat CR. 42 Falco

    While I've been waiting on parts for my Hot-wire cutter for my JU-52 project, I've decided to take on a home project- The CR. 42 Falco has been a magnet to my eye for quite some time now, and ever since I built my Brewster Buffalo, I knew I'd want one as its adversary. I followed a very...
  2. JGplanes

    Prop overspeed? - sudden vibration

    Hello... Newbie here, but longtime FT watcher. My son and I are finally getting into scratch building, and built our first power pod last night! Yay, he's so excited! We're basically using the guts from an Ares P-51; Park 370 motor, 18A ESC, 600mA 3C battery, I think (new to this). Everything...
  3. X

    Using Elmer's foam board

    Hi everyone, I live in France and as you may know we don't have dollar tree foam in Europe so I am looking for replacements. I have looked into most forum post about it but can't realy find a definitive answer to my question. I want to scratch build a FT 3D. I have already tried building a...
  4. CarboardKings

    Some of our scratch collection

    These are inspired by my childhood love of flight and passing it on to my son. Here are some of our designs. Hope you like them.
  5. CarboardKings

    Viper-ish Cardboard EDF Jet

    Yes we went for it! Also a few pictures of the other big boys we built from scratch. My son and I
  6. CarboardKings

    Cardboard Trainer

    Give us a box and a plane it shall be! Modeled after our rubber band powered plane.
  7. CarboardKings


    Fun with cardboard in Bangkok. Hoping to fly these very soon.
  8. F

    Custom Build... Thing. Need Advice

    So in preparation for an architecture internship I resolved to learn a few new programs. Instead of practicing modeling houses which is insaely easy, I modeled this thing. I actually discovered Flite test randomly letting YouTube play in the background while I did this. Now that I put in all...
  9. H

    Building my first Tricopter - Advice and tips appreciated! Current list of items

    Hello! I am looking forward building my first tricopter that i can be proud of! Any advice and tips are welcome! I am pretty new to this kind of stuff but I'm willing to learn and hopefully make quality work! Still looking around and trying to find right parts for my build, so I'm turning here...
  10. RichardFS

    New To RC Hobby & Scratch Building Assistance

    Hello! I have enjoyed FT for almost two years now, but haven't really gotten into the hobby myself until recently. I built a styrofoam glider about a year ago and I have been wanting to build an actual flying RC plane using its design (the styrofoam one I have now flies great but doesn't go very...
  11. K

    Carbon bush plane design and build

    Hey guys! Currently working on the design for a carbon fibre build. I love super cubs and bush planes, so its going to based around a cub. But not exactly scale. I'm looking to go full on STOL custom design. Going to be spending most of the time working in CAD until the design is finalized...
  12. R

    Plans To Use Delta Ray Electronics

    Hi I’m new to the site and hobby. Been flying for about a year now and LOVVEE it. I have a Super cub, SBach mini, old gaser that looks like the nexstar (.46 engine), nieutport and a delta ray. They have all taken a beating. :) Now may question is does anyone know of any plans that i...
  13. Nerd Ninja

    HELP NEEDED!! Calling all PROGRAMMERS, ENGINEERS, and any HOBBYIST Who Scratch Builds

    Hello Flite Test Forum! And mods. Really sorry if this is the wrong spot! Looked like the best area in my opinion. Um, I'm new here so first off hello! My name is Trevor and I've been binge watching FliteTest videos for a few weeks now since I found the channel. I've always been a fan of...
  14. Snarls

    Scratch Build-Off - FPRC F6F Hellcat

    Most of my RC interests these days stem from multirotors, but my early days in the hobby involved planes. I have built and flown numerous foam board planes. Never have I done a detailed scale build. I have wanted to fly an F6F Hellcat for a while now as it is the plane my grandfather flew in...
  15. N

    Scratch build help

    I am trying to figure out the best way to go about making scratch builds similar to the way the gang at Test Flight do it. Currently i am attempting this in blender, however i realize there is no way to "un-fold" my project and receive dimensions for printing what is/are the best ways that you...
  16. Snarls

    DIY Mini Gimbal for Air and Ground Video

    Hey everyone, I thought I should share my build here to get some feedback and hopefully inspire others to build their own DIY equipment. I am currently working on a mini gimbal to compactly stabilize my GoPro Hero 2. The goal is to mount the gimbal on the end of an extendable pole to use for...
  17. SP0NZ

    Father & Son Flitesticks : Build Log

    Plans by hotwax - FB Flitestick Plans Graphics - FB Flitestick Graphics v1.0 Maiden flight on 8/15/15 - National Model Aviation Day Maiden Flight Video All ready for electronics Keegan built this one for his uncle Keegan and I are building a pair of FB Flitesticks (designed by...
  18. T

    Is this mini speedster Under Powered ??

    Hi All, I had build a mini speedster from scratch, build was fine, i can see that when i toss the plane it glides bit smooth. But not able to keep it up in air. I am using 2S 500maH, Emax 1806 2380Kv 5030 prop and 3.7g servos. What you guys flying with?
  19. T

    FT22- hand launch issue, whats worng ??

    FT22- hand launch issue, whats worng ?? - Got it finally Hi Guys, Please point out what am i doing wrong, pls see the video, ... I have exp with bixler2 and mini swift, but this kind of launch is new to me .. please help !! And also it got damaged a bit , how can...
  20. CptCrazyFingers

    What would you like to see as the new FT scratch build aircraft.

    Flite Test has designed so many great scratch built aircraft. I would love to see a new EDF jet. Maybe the FT-Sabre (F-86). What do you want to see as the next FT scratch build?