
  1. T

    Ultra Micro Builds!

    This is the place to post all your ultra micro builds! Anything roughly smaller than 600mm wingspan.
  2. E

    Not CRAZY but simple trainer needs help

    Hey guys.. I built a little trainer to get my family and friends into the hobby. I have helped build several nutballs for people and I am getting complaints that they are too (floppy). So I threw this together. Triangle fuse 23" with 30" under camber dihedral wing. coupled with a Hobbyking Donky...
  3. S

    Build my first one - FT Versa Wing, but it doesn't fly. Advice needed.

    Hi Guys, First of all. This is a really great community. I read some of the threads and articles after watching almost every FT video (and hearing half of all podcasts). I really really like the idea, which is embodied by Flitetest. I am nearlly new to RC and flown only 2 or 3 times with a HK...
  4. RacerX

    Pitts style biplane scratch build.

    Winter is here! And the "here" is Ohio! Insert appropriate cuss word. I prefer flibbatteefloo. I started on this last Saturday morning. Drew up the plans a week before that and I finished the build last night. I really like the styling of the Pitts biplane, so I thought I'd try to make...
  5. raphino

    V-Tail Pusher Scratch Build 1200mm Wingspan 3mm Kapa-Board

    Hey Guys, In this Thread I'd like to share with you my latest project, the RST Hunter. This Design is a Pusher with a V-Tail to reduce the weight a little bit in the back section and I just wanted it to try out! I've allready made 2 Pusher Desings. The V2 was actually quite a success, but it...
  6. Raptortech

    60in Multi-bay Twin Motor Cargo Plane (and some FPV)

    Is is just me or have there been a lot of cargo plane's popping up recently? Anyways, here's another. I built this plane with a close friend last year. Flies great, and it lasted a very long time for DTFB plane. In fact, it's still in good shape, I just wanted the electronics so I...
  7. D

    Tricopter parts compatible?

    Hello! I'm a completely novice/whatever... in the rc aircraft world and i've got an objective for christmas. BUILD MY FIRST TRICOPTER! I love building, whatever it is, and i want to feel the experience of building and using one of these, as I've seen they're totally awesome. I have watched...
  8. Rames

    X-Wing feasibility study

    I've seen a few RC x-wings on the web (there's even a trainer in this forum). But they usually have a canard up front or a pusher/slot prop. All creative and viable ideas, but I've been thinking about something a bit more scale looking with EDFs. However, many challenges to overcome. My first...
  9. M

    Newbie needs help

    Hi, I am new to the hobby and live I the UK. Finding foamboard here is hard but I have found something similar but it's really heavy. 250grams for an A0 sheet. This appears to be at least three times heavier than DTF. The couple of planes I have built from flitetest plans, ft flyer and the...
  10. K

    Convert my old micro heli into a glider (sort of)

    Guys, I've been really into rc plane and just to make sure that I'm really into this hobby without spending too much money, I decided to open up my old micro heli and see what I have inside. Then I came across flitetest. Which make my interest grew into madness. They are really successful...
  11. J

    UMX Eflite Carbon Cub SS Build from Parts?

    Hey all! Getting into this float plane theme... (I have an upgraded brushless Super Cub that I love), I saw the UMX Carbon Cub was equip-able with floats. It looks like a neat plane, but at $170... that's a lot for a something half the size of even the cub. I noticed online that you can buy...
  12. H

    FPV trainer ideas?

    I'm hunting for the following: $75 Electric fixed wing trainer Can work in a flight area as small as about 100ft x 100ft (i.e. slow and smallish) FPV (Mobius and TX, or preferably Mobius, board camera, and TX) DIY/scratch built - I'd rather build the airframe so I can crash it all day everyday...
  13. Snarls

    Senior Project Quadcopter Build Log

    Hi FliteTest community! I am a senior in high school with the opportunity to partake in what is known as a "Senior Project". Basically, instead of taking a class, I am given the time to pursue any project I want. Back in October I was suddenly inspired to build a quadcopter. I had little to no...
  14. N

    Foam Board

    I have ordered the electronics for my first scratch build, being in the UK I am unable to source Dollar Tree Foam Board cheaply so I was wondering are there any good substitutes and what are there disadvantages/advantages compared to DTFB. Plus could someone post the weight of a A1 5mm sheet of...
  15. Kurt0326

    Hydroplane in the works

    Hi guys, This is my first thread so be gentle :-) A long time ago I saw this Hydro foam on YouTube that just blew me away. That started my obsession with trying to learn RC. It's been two years in to my research and so far I believe i have learned a lot. So now I thought I should share my...
  16. C

    Semi-scratch build hand launch glider

    I was going through David's website and I read through the project Graupner Mini ( and I decided to apply the same concept to a hand launch glider from hobbyking...
  17. J

    New Scratch Build Idea For FliteTest

    IDEA #1 My name is Jonathan Hanson from Unalakleet, Alaska. I Love the designs that you guys come up with for scratch build swappable planes. They are amazingly simple and just flat out fun to build and fly. My suggestion to you guys for a future swappable is a piper/super cub or something...
  18. M

    Ft 3d pics and vids

    Post any pictures and videos of the ft 3d scratch build plane here.
  19. Krad

    Scratch Built Skis

    This may not be what we usually see around here, but it's a bit of scratch building I did recently. So, winter is upon us. Around me that means snow. Snow to get wheels stuck in, be it your car or your RC airplane. They sell floats for the Hobbyzone Super Cub so I went down to the local RC...