Cowl, struts and landing gear panel for Simple Staggerwing.
I'm finding that the cowl needs some light weight filler on the curve in front as it prints kind of rough.
Struts are purely ornamental and should be printed with what Cura calls a brim to keep the pointy parts from lifting.
Printed the...
Plans updated 8/30/22
The classic Beechcraft Staggerwing done in the FT 'Simple' style. Box fuselage, tab and slot assembly, upper and lower wings identical except for flap control horn and strut slots. A very easy, straightforward build. Removeable wings, power pod will slide out without...
While I'm down sick (not covid but feel rotten) I thought I'd start on a "simple" style Staggerwing like the FT Simple Cub. It also gives me more time to work with Fusion 360. Hope you appreciate the self control it took not to title this thread "Staggerwingly Simple" or "Simply Stagger(w)ing".
hey guys recently i have been thinking of attempting to design the ultimate trainer plane, with exceptional characteristics.
here are some of my goals:
- sub 250gram, for those in countries where licenses are required.
- floaty and excellent glide slope.
- stable and minimum stall...
My latest design, a 2m sailplane. It was inspired by Tony Mellor's Alto saiplane, found here:
I wanted a glider with well-rounded capabilities that could handle a variety of wind conditions. We'll see if it succeeds in that regard, but I have...
I am scratch building the simple cub currently - my first ever scratch build. I am using the free online plans which I have printed on A4 and taped together. Any tips on how to transfer the plans onto the foam to cut out?
Hi all!
Thought I would share my recently completed build of a 3 channel modification based on the FT Simple Storch - this one has come about due to the need of something nice and simple to introduce my 10 year old nephew to the art of aeromodelling.
The general goal here was a simple three...
Hi Guys.
So I am planning my first scratch build using electronics from a second hand build that I bought that was destroyed (By a tree)
All the electronics are fine (Including servos) And i'm planning on using everything for the Simple Scout. My question is about the motor.
The Motor is...
Hi guys. I want to be brief as it's 3.30 am over here in the UK. And I'm having that kind of early morning thought. Planning.
I have two questions (so far!) About the plans that Flite Test offer.
My first: What is the sheet and tile key for?
The second: is the CG measurement (in the case...
Hello fellow Flitetesters!
This is a foamboard B-52 that I am working on. I had a thread in the Electric Fixed-Wing section of the Electric Flight forum, but I realized this is a better place to post this. So here it is! Intended to be Depron, this B-52 is aimed to become a simple design that...
Frame: FT Simple soarer (speed build) 3ch.
Prop: 9x4.7sf
Power plant: Emax 2280kv (plans call for 1300kv)
Power source: Kinexsis 800mAh 2S
Servos: 8.5g
I can not get this thing in the air. I have been fighting this thing for weeks now.
The last time it crashed I thought I was going to jump...
Alright, so Im 14 and am in boy scouts. I am working with my dad to teach the Aviation merit badge. For this we need to build a plane/glider. I was wondering if anyone could point me to some kind of design or something with plans. For budget reasons it needs to be half a sheet of foam board or...
I am looking for a 2.4ghz 4ch radio of good build quality and multi model memory for my planes, nothing else. I just want this because I don't use all that the programmable stuff, to me it just gets in the way. I like to be back to basic with the plane and flying at 100% rates all of the time...
Hi, I have what seems to be a fairly complicated question for me, but might be pretty simple, about taking the electronics from one plane I have and putting them in a FT swappable kit. I bought a Parkzone Radian a couple of months ago and have wrecked it and tried fixing it, but it has just been...
Im still pretty new to all of this but I built a simple frame while I was saving up to buy a carbon fiber or G10 frame and in the end I love it so much I don't have any need to upgrade, at least until I get good enough for some detail to matter to me. So with no metal fasteners (only zip ties)...
I am about to build a SS as project to entertain me as I recover from should replacement surgery.
I plan on using it as both a tow launch and power glider.
That said, I am toying with the idea of adding a power pod above and just aft of the wings. Something similar to the Bixler (II).