1/4 scale Piper PA-22 Tripacer Restoration


Skill Collector
I learned two new things from this video! (y)

Wouldn't have thought of using the Clear Gorilla Glue for hinges, but since it's a low(er) foaming formula it makes great sense. I need to remember this for the future :D

Also I don't think I'd seen the hot servo rod method of fixing the hole sizes on the control horns. Seems much easier than fiddling with the "almost right size" drill bit or the classic "twisting the xacto knife in the hole while trying not to stab my hand" method! :ROFLMAO:


Builder Extraordinare
I learned two new things from this video! (y)

Wouldn't have thought of using the Clear Gorilla Glue for hinges, but since it's a low(er) foaming formula it makes great sense. I need to remember this for the future :D

Also I don't think I'd seen the hot servo rod method of fixing the hole sizes on the control horns. Seems much easier than fiddling with the "almost right size" drill bit or the classic "twisting the xacto knife in the hole while trying not to stab my hand" method! :ROFLMAO:
HA!, you CAN teach an old dog new tricks! ;)

Seriously, white GG has been my go-to for nearly a decade now. I do not even have the brown stuff in my shop.

Oh, and that servo wire bit? Yeah, picked that up from a kid building a FT airplane at FF one year. My first thought upon this revelation: "I'm such a freaking idiot."


Skill Collector
I haven't tried either for hinges yet - but would probably start more conservatively with the clear if it was on hand. The white would probably be OK too as long as not too much went on and no extra water was added (I believe that's what Josh had on the workbench and used for this project). Just don't forget to oil the hinges ahead of time to prevent locking them up!


Builder Extraordinare
The directions on Clear GG say for non-porous surfaces only (i.e. metal, glass, plastics). I like it because it dries clear and doesn't expand. Have you used it on wood?
To be crystal clear... This is the stuff I am talking about...

I realize that GG has come out with MANY new products over the years the foam builder's area has been using GG but to say the least... This is the ONLY GG that I use. It does foam out with moisture... provided by my atmosphere... some folks need to give it a help along by wiping with a wet cloth or spraying with a bottle.


Master member
To be crystal clear... This is the stuff I am talking about...
Okay, thanks. No more confusion. That's White GG and the one I use most often as well. I bought some Clear GG because it said non-foaming urethane but find fewer uses for it because of its limitation to nonporous surfaces.