For my faithful FT family, I thought I would post some update pictures for you all since video content will be at the end of the build.
Wrapping the airplane to keep blue overspray off the white.
So, all the blue paint is done. The only major difference between this one and Patrick's is that the landing gear is also blue on his. I liked the contrast of the white gear better. I'm going to do some destressing on the blue paint. If you zoom into the tail, you can see a bit of this. The paint looks slightly chipped off and I like the look. Simply apply masking tape and pull it off and some of the paint comes with it. After flying her, the dirt and field debris will help her look a bit more... "vintage", ahem, just like Patrick's.

Yes, I did go overboard and made some inlet covers for the model. I used some foam rubber and covered the pieces with Oratex... turned out quite well. Added some red paint and red ribbon to make it look the part.
Still yet to do is relocate battery velcro and I'm STILL waiting on my large sheet of PETG to cut a new windshield. Simple stuff at this point.