No pressure at all! And it is white on the bottom. Wing is done, managed to get 98% of the wrinkles out. Those wing tips gave me a little trouble. I've only used solite, seems to me it goes on corners and such a little easier than this parklite. Although, I do LOVE that the parklite doesn't stick to itself like the solite. Also finished the tail feathers. Did not get the fuse done, wife had some chores she wanted done, but the fuse will be done tonight. Electronics have all been fitted and tested, so aside from the decal she will hopefully be finished this evening. Covering the fuse should take all of 15 minutes. Tail isn't glued on yet, pics are just for show!
Recently we borrowed the mother in law's cricut. Haven't gotten to play with this much yet, but so far I love what it will be able to add to my builds. I'm not giving this back, and if she wants it back I'm buying one! This would have taken me hours to cut out, but with this thing it took 5 minutes. And yes, it will cut covering!
So we have some white stars for the top right wing and some red stars for the bottom right wing. The fuse will get a little décor as well, just not sure exactly what yet. Won't keep her from flying, though!