Legendary member
It seems to never fail when I go reading threads from way back I come across some really cool plane some on here either designed or modified and it turned out great but then got hidden way back in some obscure post long forgotten. I personally enjoy building that sort of thing. Even if the plans aren't as simple as flitetest that just makes it all the more challenging to build. problem is finding them. So here it is. If you have plans or know of someone that does post them here for everyone to find. even better post the build along with it.
So far I have found and built the Navy trojan trainer
@Buzzbombs biplane and
an old Sportster biplane that I can't remember who came up with. Hopefully, they will post the planes here too.
I also just came across Wildthing Antonov An-2 so now I'm in the process of building that one. But I will let him post his planes and build thread.
I will start us off by posting plans for a slow-flying plane I worked on. Its a great 3 channel for someone just starting out. Super simple to build and fly plus you can make it a go-fast too. Just a hint, the more you scale it up the better it flies.
So far I have found and built the Navy trojan trainer
@Buzzbombs biplane and
an old Sportster biplane that I can't remember who came up with. Hopefully, they will post the planes here too.
I also just came across Wildthing Antonov An-2 so now I'm in the process of building that one. But I will let him post his planes and build thread.
I will start us off by posting plans for a slow-flying plane I worked on. Its a great 3 channel for someone just starting out. Super simple to build and fly plus you can make it a go-fast too. Just a hint, the more you scale it up the better it flies.
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