Bücker Bü 180 Student Swappable - design, build, and review log


I am glad you're enjoying flying it! And that sounds like a close call if your ESC shut down, I haven't' had that happen yet. Do you fly with an external BEC?


Posted a thousand or more times
I am glad you're enjoying flying it! And that sounds like a close call if your ESC shut down, I haven't' had that happen yet. Do you fly with an external BEC?

No, I don't use an external BEC. I got the Spitfire/Mustang Flite Test Power Pack from Altitude Hobbies which included a 9x6SF prop. It has been doing this from day 1 on the Spitfire. I've even cut off the plastic shrink wrap from the ESC. If I baby the Spitfire, I can keep it going with the 9x6. The 9x4.7 I can run at full throttle constantly without overheating, but the ESC can't support the voltage output for the 9x6. Maybe my ESC is junk or I need one with a higher rating. I'm using 2200mah 3S lipos.

I could always try an 8x6. I also have some 9x6E's in the mail.
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No, I don't use an external BEC. I got the Spitfire/Mustang Flite Test Power Pack from Altitude Hobbies which included a 9x6SF prop. It has been doing this from day 1 on the Spitfire. I've even cut off the plastic shrink wrap from the ESC. If I baby the Spitfire, I can keep it going with the 9x6. The 9x4.7 I can run at full throttle constantly without overheating, but the ESC can't support the voltage output for the 9x6. Maybe my ESC is junk or I need one with a higher rating. I'm using 2200mah 3S lipos.

I could always try an 8x6. I also have some 9x6E's in the mail.

Yeah that's not normal.. I would replace that thing with a Dynam ESC (Made by HobbyWing) - http://www.graysonhobby.com/catalog/dynamspeedcontrollers-c-6_203.html

I have a few HK ESCs but only for testing. In all my planes that I need something reliable I use Dynam ESCs. I run all mine at capacity and into their burst range every flight and haven't had a single one fail or ever give me an issue.

On a side note, I just submitted my nnBucker FT article!


Posted a thousand or more times
Yeah that's not normal.. I would replace that thing with a Dynam ESC (Made by HobbyWing) - http://www.graysonhobby.com/catalog/dynamspeedcontrollers-c-6_203.html

I have a few HK ESCs but only for testing. In all my planes that I need something reliable I use Dynam ESCs. I run all mine at capacity and into their burst range every flight and haven't had a single one fail or ever give me an issue.

On a side note, I just submitted my nnBucker FT article!

Thanks for the advice. I'll grab one. 30A should do it, ya think?

Oh that's awesome. Congrats, man! I hope to see it soon.


New member

That's a very pretty plane. I'm glad she flies as good as she looks. I'm still waiting for the nnMothMinor to be maidened and the plans finalized so I can start building. I was going to use a Suppo 2212 1400kv spinning an APC 8x4. Don of StrongRCmotors says that prop is just a little big for the motor/ESC, but it's what I've been running in the Spitfire for months and she does well with it. I never had an issue except one time she scooped up a planeload of snow and the ESC did some really strange things on the next flight. It worked fine again when it dried out... The ESC is never more than luke warm even with limited ventilation. Do you reckon I need more power than that for the slightly larger nnMothMinor? I rarely fly the Spit at WOT except for loops and Immelmans, so don't know how the power system would fare if I flew her WOT all the time. I have two of the same combination for my upcoming FR Cruiser build.

Now when is that nnMothMinor maiden?

Out of curiosity, why did you make these two that size? Wouldn't it have been easier to design them at the size where the power pod fits the width of the fuselage without the guides? I need my planes to fit the trunk of the car together with the lawn chairs Donna insists on bringing. The dogs don't share their space in the back seat very well. :)

Congratulations on the article!



Posted a thousand or more times

That's a very pretty plane. I'm glad she flies as good as she looks. I'm still waiting for the nnMothMinor to be maidened and the plans finalized so I can start building. I was going to use a Suppo 2212 1400kv spinning an APC 8x4. Don of StrongRCmotors says that prop is just a little big for the motor/ESC, but it's what I've been running in the Spitfire for months and she does well with it. I never had an issue except one time she scooped up a planeload of snow and the ESC did some really strange things on the next flight. It worked fine again when it dried out... The ESC is never more than luke warm even with limited ventilation. Do you reckon I need more power than that for the slightly larger nnMothMinor? I rarely fly the Spit at WOT except for loops and Immelmans, so don't know how the power system would fare if I flew her WOT all the time. I have two of the same combination for my upcoming FR Cruiser build.

Now when is that nnMothMinor maiden?

Out of curiosity, why did you make these two that size? Wouldn't it have been easier to design them at the size where the power pod fits the width of the fuselage without the guides? I need my planes to fit the trunk of the car together with the lawn chairs Donna insists on bringing. The dogs don't share their space in the back seat very well. :)

Congratulations on the article!


Because 50+ inch wings are beautiful! :) I have a pretty big car and the wings barely fit across the back seat. They almost touch both doors.

If your power system works well on the spit, then it will probably be fine on the bucker or the moth but I'll let nerdnic answer that definitively.



That's a very pretty plane. I'm glad she flies as good as she looks. I'm still waiting for the nnMothMinor to be maidened and the plans finalized so I can start building. I was going to use a Suppo 2212 1400kv spinning an APC 8x4. Don of StrongRCmotors says that prop is just a little big for the motor/ESC, but it's what I've been running in the Spitfire for months and she does well with it. I never had an issue except one time she scooped up a planeload of snow and the ESC did some really strange things on the next flight. It worked fine again when it dried out... The ESC is never more than luke warm even with limited ventilation. Do you reckon I need more power than that for the slightly larger nnMothMinor? I rarely fly the Spit at WOT except for loops and Immelmans, so don't know how the power system would fare if I flew her WOT all the time. I have two of the same combination for my upcoming FR Cruiser build.

Now when is that nnMothMinor maiden?

Out of curiosity, why did you make these two that size? Wouldn't it have been easier to design them at the size where the power pod fits the width of the fuselage without the guides? I need my planes to fit the trunk of the car together with the lawn chairs Donna insists on bringing. The dogs don't share their space in the back seat very well. :)

Congratulations on the article!


Hey Owen. I think the Suppo 2212 1400kv will be just enough and you should get a similar experience as you have with the FT Spitfire in terms of performance.

As far as the size goes I always start around the power pod dimensions and then adjust as I go. To get the proper nose look I needed to not have a straight fuse like the FT planes have. You just can't get the right look with a straight design. With the straight fuse you really can only capture the look of the wing/tail feathers and a profile view. I wanted to capture the look as much as I could with DTFB and so the fuse shape/size was a must. When I factored that in the wings just came out to be this size. It can be made smaller with no issues but you'll have to drop the power pod. The other option is to do a removable wing and JohnRambozo's removable wing looks to have come out great!

I have my nnMoth Minor all built I just need to finish all the radio tweaking before she's ready to fly. I don't think I'll be able to do it today so hopefully in the next few days!


Posted a thousand or more times
Hey Owen. I think the Suppo 2212 1400kv will be just enough and you should get a similar experience as you have with the FT Spitfire in terms of performance.

I was unsure about the slow flight capability, but after today I am convinced she's a very stable slow flier. Reliable at 50% throttle on a 9x4.7 prop. I even killed the throttle to see how long it would glide before stalling, the stall was so slight, you almost didn't even seen it happen, it just kept going along, slow and silent until I throttled up - with very little drop in height.

The other option is to do a removable wing and JohnRambozo's removable wing looks to have come out great!

Updated my page 15 build-post with some important details on removable wing guides and a new video!

I have my nnMoth Minor all built I just need to finish all the radio tweaking before she's ready to fly. I don't think I'll be able to do it today so hopefully in the next few days!

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Posted a thousand or more times
Like the new video! Can you post a photo of how you have your phone mounted?

I need another phone to do that. :)

The first video, I just had the phone sitting against the back of my transmitter with rubber bands around the entire thing. The second video I set the throttle to 50% and held my transmitter against my right side with my right hand on the right stick only. That freed my left hand to just hold my phone normally. It was really sunny so, even having the screen in view didn't help that much for framing the shot... and I was a bit nervous to come down too low without the ability to adjust throttle. That and its still a little much to concentrate on flying and keeping the camera on the plane at the same time. A visor mounted phone would be nice so I could see the camera view and take video hands-free. Low tech google glass.

Having the phone on the transmitter wasn't any less distracting. I still had to track the plane with the transmitter as if it were a camera so I'm sure I looked like a fool holding my transmitter up to the sky.

I'll try to do some closer fly-bys on my next outing.
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New member

I use a Mobius and a hat mount under the brim of the hat. Only problem is, as with any wide angle lens, the plane gets really small really fast. Some of you may recognize the material... I built it hollow, but for handling, it would have been better if it was one massive chunk.


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I like the hat idea but I don't have a small camera, just my iPhone. The tx mount sounds like it might be my best bet.


Posted a thousand or more times
I like the hat idea but I don't have a small camera, just my iPhone. The tx mount sounds like it might be my best bet.

I'd like to find a way to mount it so I can actually see the screen. I guess I could borrow from nagromnewo and make a simple iphone sized foam mount that I can strap to the tx. I'll do that for this weekend. It should be easy enough.

I have sketched out an idea for an angled iphone mount so the plane can be recorded, the screen can be viewed at least enough to frame the shot and you won't have to hold your Tx up to the sky. I'm only using bbq skewers, foam board, hot glue and rubber bands. If it works well, I'll make a thread with instructions.

Thanks nagromnewo!
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I'd like to find a way to mount it so I can actually see the screen. I guess I could borrow from nagromnewo and make a simple iphone sized foam mount that I can strap to the tx. I'll do that for this weekend. It should be easy enough.

I have sketched out an idea for an angled iphone mount so the plane can be recorded, the screen can be viewed at least enough to frame the shot and you won't have to hold your Tx up to the sky. I'm only using bbq skewers, foam board, hot glue and rubber bands. If it works well, I'll make a thread with instructions.

Thanks nagromnewo!

Any update on this?


Posted a thousand or more times
I'm reworking the base to have the same ibeam/box tube design only smaller so it can be easily removed while still having some rigidity and strength.