Of course this is not the first time, and likely not the last, that I've done some instruction on this topic. This was a biproduct of the Seamaster II buid:
The Tummelisa was my first scale build after getting back into the hobby. My first event was not a good time for this airplane:
After having let the wound heal a bit, I did re-build this, including a FOAM cowl which still adorns the front of this airplane today. I struggled and learned along the way... (potato camera warning)
Finally, I made flight...
I never really got to enjoy this airplane for how beautiful it is. My hope is that with the simpler build I'll fly it more but also pick up the things I've learned SINCE I built the balsa version and learn from those mistakes.
So, without further delay...
If there a questions on anything that I did NOT cover, please ask, please comment, please make your voice heard. Honestly, the main reason I'm doing this is to help others learn how to take the balsa plans and make foam board airplanes. I take a lot of what I know for granted sometimes. Sometimes, I also do not know you YOU do not know. Help me help you.