The maiden went fine, besides having my camera shut down (so no video). I've flown it a couple of times since then: its not really a high-performance flyer. I figure the big radials in front are not very aerodynamic, but its still its pretty up in the sky. If I built another one, I'd skip the fixed gear; it kind of spoils the looks of the plane in the air.
Just this morning I was trying to get in a quick flight with it and must have slid the battery to far aft. I haven't flown a plane with a tail-heavy GC like that in a looong time. Immediately after takeoff she started rambling sideways through the sky. I've got no control. I'm panicking. There's a fairly busy road by our club field- guess where the Beechcraft decided to go? Right to the road. Of course a car was coming, but I put it down okay right in front of the car. They had to stop and go around it- a little too close for everyone's comfort. However, because of the gear, the plane was fine. I was going to even try to rebalance the plane and fly it again, but the rain closed in and I had to call it a day.
Heck of a morning, Yankee2003!