Can No Longer Connect NAZE32 To Cleanflight, Worked Yesterday


New member
I'm sorry to have to post two questions in as many days but I'm very stumped. I have a NAZE32 that yesterday would automatically connect to cleanflight where I updated to the newest firmware and reconnected multiple times. Then I came back this morning and cannot get it to connect for the life of me. I've tried changing cables, installed the latest CP210x drivers, and even updated my motherboard drivers. When I plug it in the blue power light turns on and the right green status light blinks in sets of 4 then after a wile changes to slow even single blinks. I know that it is plugged into com 6 from previous experience but I don't know how to get the manual address so I haven't been able to try connecting manually to see if that would work.


Winter is coming
I'm assuming you're using Windows? If so, have you tried going to device manager and looking at the "Ports" to see if you can find a "silabs" device once you've connected the board up? Maybe try "refreshing devices"?


Faster than a speeding face plant!
Ask all the questions you want. Every time one gets answered newbies around the globe have it. :)

If you are on Windows, reboot. It's the automatic thing.

After you reboot, connect the USB cable that worked last time and listen for a chime. Don't even start Cleanflight or Baseflight or Betaflight or whatever, just see if the USB connection works first.

If you are using Windows 10 and USB 3 try a USB 2 port. :)

If you don't hear a chime, do as mak suggests and look at device manager. If you don't see your device or if you see that your device is not working, reinstall the VP210x drivers AND REBOOT Windows. Then try connecting the copter's USB to Windows again.

Don't bother with Cleanflight until Windows chimes a welcome when you connect your copter to USB.


New member
Cleanflight Problems.png

Hopefully I've attached a screenshot showing my device manager and cleanflight. The device manager does not change even after forcing hardware changes scan whether or not the NAZE is plugged in and as you can see cleanflight gives no port option. It used to register as port 6 when it worked and was plugged in in the location where the wire is currently connected. The device manager also didn't change when I reinstalled the CP210x (I used the default not serial enumeration) and rebooted. There is not a chime upon connecting the board. I'm wondering if I bricked the NAZE somehow.
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Winter is coming
That looks more like a messed up windows system. It's showing two silabs devices on com5 and 6.unless you have two connected...

I would Uninstall all the drivers and try again with plenty of reboots as c.r. Mentioned.


Faster than a speeding face plant!
I don't think you can fully software brick a Naze32. I have had to jumper the boot pads in the past but until I smoked it, I was unable to kill it.

And don't think I didn't try. I don't wear this moniker for nothing... :black_eyed:

Seeing that screenshot, I concur with mak.

Do you have another computer you can use?

You can also nuke the driver with Zadig. Zadig forces Windows to use the driver you want it to use. IMO it is a method of LAST resort. Use it at your own risk.


New member
Well I tried the NAZE on my other windows system after installing the CP210x drivers and no chimes there either. That one doesn't show ports in device manager so I couldn't tell what it saw.


Faster than a speeding face plant!
Did you reboot the PC after installing the drivers?

Windows will utterly ignore your new install until you reboot it.

EDIT: Don't forget to reboot the Naze (disconnect the USB and any battery) too.
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