
New member
Hi, I am a relatively new flyer and builder, and I'm looking to build the A-10 Master Series (already built a Master Series Corsair). I bought the A-10 kit thinking that it used EDFs, but just found out it is powered with props. Is it possible for me to use EDFs for it? If so, what size/kind should I use, and would any modifications need to be done? I don't really know much about EDFs, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Elite member
I've seen the older FliteTest A-10 converted to EDF without too much trouble, so I can't imagine the newer one would be that hard to do either. From the specs on their website, it looks like twin 64mm 4S EDFs and a 4000 mAh 4s pack will likely be your best bet. There are a ton of cheap options out there. You're probably looking for fan units rated for somewhere between 600 g and 1 kg of thrust (sellers always claim their products are better than they really are). In terms of modifications, you will likely need to adjust the engine nacelles a bit to fit the fans as well as possible, and make sure that the pylons connecting the nacelles to the fuselage is strong enough. You'll also need to find somewhere for your ESCs with good cooling. Beyond that, and a bit of wire routing, if you can achieve CG you should most likely be fine.

All that said, while it is possible, it might not be the best option. I personally love EDFs but they have some real downsides. Your flight times will be much shorter since EDFs are very inefficient, and you won't have as much thrust to maneuver with. You're also going to have a much heavier airplane, so a higher stall speed which paired with the lower thrust will make hand launching more difficult (although with an A-10 hand launching still should not be too bad). And with the A-10, you won't get the principal benefit of EDFs which is speed since the airframe is pretty draggy (the real one tops out at 440 mph, around the same as a P-51 or Spitfire). But, EDFs are really cool, so if you're going for an EDF airplane because it's cool and with an understanding of all the downsides, then go for it!


Master member
I have to agree with telnar1236. EDFs are not a simple direct replacement for props. They use about twice as much power for the same thrust so have bigger heavier motors, even the ESCs are bigger & heavier too. All this costs more too.
Needing twice the power means the flight times will be halved for the same battery weight. Taking twice the amps out of the same battery means it has to have a high C rating = more expense. It is doubtful the plane will fly nicely, if at all, if you just double the battery size.

To fly a cool looking and sounding EDF has quite a penalty. For some just be able to successfully fly 'EDF' is the challenge.
It all comes down to want you want.